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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

13 weeks

Baby Week Day 2!

13 weeks, taken January 27th, 2013. 

(back in my non maternity tank that is getting pretty tight!)

Thoughts: I am excited to have entered my 2nd trimester and am praying for some sickness relief! Definitely found more energy and feeling more like myself. Biggest news of the week was announcing our pregnancy last Friday!

Baby: Baby Hart is 3 inches from crown to rump and the size of a peach. Baby is starting to grow hair which I am guessing he/she will come out with a ton, and eyebrows too. Vocal cords are complete and baby can cry (I'm glad I won't be hearing cries for another 6 months!). 

Weight: explained in depth yesterday, a total of 3lbs gained from 6 week appointment to last Friday (12w4d). My weight is very different when I weigh myself at the doctor than at the gym so I am sticking to the doctor. 

Symptoms: this week has been an extension of the round ligament pain in my tummy which is totally normal but very uncomfortable. Yesterday was 3 weeks since I started Zofran for vomiting and unfortunately I have regressed. The past 3 mornings I've got sick before I could take my meds so tonight I am going to experiment with a half pill before bed. It is safe every 8 hours but I was doing great on 1 pill in the morning. Baby Hart better not be this stubborn! It is common for sickness to last until 14-18 weeks but I am not counting on that.

Sleep: sleeping about 9 hours at night and getting up 2-3 times to use the restroom. The past few days I've also woken up from nausea and sometimes have to go eat a snack. I feel like I toss and turn a lot since not sleeping on my tummy is still new for me.

Cravings/aversions/eating: not really craving anything special this week but I have noticed how HUNGRY I am and once I start eating, I get full so easy. Then an hour later I am starving. I feel like there isn't much room in my tummy and I hear appetite will continue to decrease which is funny because most people think of pregnant ladies as eating 10 cheeseburgers in one sitting. We've been eating a lot of soup lately which is good and filling and trying to add some protein in. 

Workouts: it's been so beautiful outside and I have been trying to take advantage of that with long walks through our hilly neighborhood. Because I've been a little sore and ache-y, I have been a little tired at the gym but got 3 days of weights in. My workouts are slow and easy, it is nice to get my body moving and helps with the round ligament pain. 

Clothes: pretty much all my of non maternity clothes are still fitting...some more snug than others. Jeans are getting hard to deal with because they are tight in the waist so I just leave them unbuttoned most of the time. Tanks are tight and getting short but for the most part I have a lot of loose fitting/flowy tops and once it gets warmer, lots of dresses.

Random: I bought a fetal heart doppler last week (Sonoline B if you are interested) and was getting frustrated when I couldn't find the heartbeat on Wednesday night. Jon traveled most of the week and the second he got home on Thursday we tried to find the heart beat and BOOM, 156-169 bpm! Seriously God is so evident in every part of the this pregnancy... we were meant to hear the heartbeat together. I haven't used it since but hope we can listen about once a week (it can be hard to find because the baby is so small and wiggly). 

Doctor's visits: Friday morning (1/25/13) we had our 12 week appointment! Jon was gone all week so we were really 12w4d and actually measured 12w6d but they did not change our due date. We did a level II sonogram/ultrasound in the imaging center and the doctor said we should be able to find out the sex. My mom came with us and unfortunately our sonographer was cold and pretty rude and before we even started said she wouldn't tell us the sex. Part of the ultrasound was 3d and you would DEFINITELY be able to see something if she would have tried. Bummer, but it works out well because we go back on February 18th for the gender scan with our actual doctor and we are doing a gender reveal with our family on February 22nd! Baby was moving like crazy! We got a DVD of the sonogram and I will confess that we have watched it probably 10 times since. I uploaded it to Youtube if you want to watch and it's fun because I can watch it on my phone whenever I want. Baby Hart is a little gymnast and definitely takes after daddy's calves!! Hilarious!!!!! Heartrate was 156 BPM and Nuchal Translucency test came back at 1.8 which is wonderful (rules out 95% of all chromosomal disorders)! It is absolutely amazing to see how the baby went from a little gummy bear to an actual human looking baby. The head is still big and half the body but it looks so human like. Little arms, legs, ears, and eyes. A perfect walnut looking brain and functioning stomach and umbilical cord. Jon and I are both unbiased with the gender of our baby... we want lots of children and will probably have both eventually but know that our baby's gender (and future babies) are God's plan. We may be meant to have 5 boys or 7 girls, who knows. My mom has been team girl but the night before had a boy feeling so it was funny that during the scan, both she and Jon thought they saw boy parts. Now I know there are a million things it could be we watched the video so many times and it seems like there is something between the legs (which I know can be swollen girl parts) but so many people who watched it said boy! I will still be 100% shocked/surprised on the 18th though!!!!!! We met with the nurse, went over symptoms, meds, etc and everything checked out well!

Calves much?!

Embry is so excited for her little cousin!

13 week bump

Come back tomorrow for our story on why we started "trying" for baby Hart!


GingerPeachT said...

Congrats lady!!!
I just got all caught up! I think you are taking it all like a trooper. I'd be such a big baby if I were that sick with my hubby gone. Lol I have had zofran before (not for preggo sickness) and I remember reading that those pills work best if you take them around the clock at the same times to prevent the nausea. Unfortunately they didn't help me as much as promethazine which is a lot cheaper lol but I swear that peppermint tea really helps as soon as you wake up.
Keep on keeping on!! You are going to be such a great mom!

Brooke Hamilton said...

HAHA the calves. That's hilarious!

Amanda said...

Omg that 3D sonogram is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

You are the cutest little pregnant lady! Those calves are too funny :)

Kaity said...

Ruthie, you are adorable. and I love your attitude towards pregnancy so far - clearly you've done your research and you're just taking all of these little nuisances in stride (like the ligament pain and the sickness). I'll keep my fingers crossed that your all-day sickness gets better soon so that you can 110% enjoy your pregnancy. :) congratulations again!

Nicole Joelle said...

So adorable--I love the sweet ultrasound picture of the wee one :) It is so incredible how they go from a little alien to a little baby! Hope you start feeling better soon :)

Lisa @ MMT said...

Eeek!! I am so, so excited for you two! I hope your sickness subsides soon! Mine got better at about 16 weeks but hopefully yours is much sooner. I know you will get tons of advice (unwanted advice) throughout your whole pregnancy and it will get annoying lol, but I have found that a body pillow helps me make sure I'm staying sleeping on my side and it helps a ton with comfort. I used the same one through both pregnancies and its really the only way I get sleep!
Ps your belly is so adorable!!

Claire Beeks said...

OMG calves! Haha. I totally see them :-) My mom thinks boy from your pictures, and I had the same feeling! You look great, and I hope you start to feel as great as you look Ruthie! Hang in there and I'm sure the sickness will subside! We are praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Ruthie, the calves! LOL! :) That's so funny! :) You look great. I'm sorry you're so sick. Zofran is great if you can catch it in time. (Of course, it brings along other UNWANTED side effects...ick.)

Unknown said...

I am so happy for yall you are so cute! Please if you need any advice I'd be glad to answer any questioned since my little one will be exactly a year older than yours!

Lauren said...

During our 20 week ultrasound with Brielle they didn't tell us the sex until towards the end because they wanted to be sure and get a good picture. I would have been thrilled either way but I had it in my mind it was a girl so every time I saw something flash on the screen I could have SWORN it was a penis and my world was crashing down. Nope, no penis there. In fact, I asked every single ultrasound after that "Soo... still no penis, right?". So, I think if you're looking for it, anything can be boy parts. So fun guessing though! Not too much longer and you'll know for sure :)

KRISTIN said...

This makes me so happy! :)

Carolyn said...

OMG! I love that baby hart has daddy's calves! HAHAHAHA

Jessica said...

congrats!!! I just read this and realized you are pregnant! so happy for you!!

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

eeeeeeeeeeep!!!!! love!

Unknown said...

I am so jealous you get to see your baby so much!! The military only does it twice. Three times if you're lucky. No matter what y'all have it will be a very adorable and well loved baby but boys are easier and girls are SO much more fun to dress. :)

Wild Daisy said...

so awesome chick! you look fabulous! I'm so happy for you!! xoxoxo

It's Sooo Fluffy said...

So glad things are going so well! Sorry about the angry ultrasound lady BUT I'm glad you'll get to find out with your doctor anyway. Can't wait for more updates!

Rachel said...

You have the cutest little belly already!! :) LOVE IT :) Praying God continues to bless your pregnancy

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are giving me some serious baby fever! I"m glad that you got to see the babe in 3D, how fun!

Jenny said...

So sweet! You look amazing even though you are having all the morning sickness. World Market makes these amazing ginger candies, they acutally are pretty good and really help!

The Arizona Russums said...

Seriously. Those calves are for real.

Casey said...

That bump!! You are just too cute! Praying your morning sickness eases up soon! I imagine that's the least fun part of the whole shebang. And maybe you've got a little football player on your hands...those calves are no joke! ;)

Dana said...

The 3D ultrasound picture is so amazing! Wish we would have had that 10 years ago when I was pregnant with my son. But Zofran was seriously expensive back then, too, so there's that trade-off! Hope you start to feel better soon...

Julie Keller said...

Oh Ruthie, I love that you are being so open and frank about your pregnancy. Clearly you have been doing a lot of research/reading because of all your facts - love that!!

Aprill said...

Congrats girl and God bless. I love it that you share your experience here with us. Your a wonderful testimony for our Lord as well. Thanks again!!

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