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Monday, January 28, 2013

Weeks 0-12

Baby Week Day 1!

First of all....I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of love this past weekend! To have so many people to share this wonderful news with was just beyond what we could have ever imagined. Texts, comments, emails, tweets, voice mails... I have to say Friday was really special for me and Jon and we know it will get even better!

I am forewarning you that you will probably get sick of baby related posts this week but I have been bursting at the seams to share all of the wonderful details of our sweet baby Hart! We have been taking weekly pictures ever since finding out we were expecting and I am compiling all the photos up until now for you today.  I plan on documenting each week of pregnancy for my own record to look back on but also it is something I love reading on other blogs so I hope you follow along! 

Before posting the fun stuff I will say that pregnancy has been rough for me but absolutely, positively, 100% worth it. Baby Hart has been a little difficult on mama so I hope that means he/she is getting their misbehaving out before August. Morning sickess was all day every day sickness and I have been on prescription Zofran since week 10 and it has been a life saver (a little regression at week 13, more tomorrow). What's funny is anyone in my situation may feel like it is the end of the world and never want another baby but I can honestly say I have really enjoyed it. God's way of showing me my baby is healthy and growing! I just pray future Hart babies will be easier on their mama!

I will definitely be sharing our "getting pregnant" story but for now I will tell you that it did not take long at all (praise God!). I am SO glad we decided to take a picture pre pregnancy because knowing my body will most likely never look the same, I can have something to look back on and be somewhat proud of haha. We took this picture on October 21st, 2012, we had been off birth control for 2 weeks so anything was all fair game. I love watching my belly grow and don't get sad looking at these pictures except for the fact that I am a paper white ghost compared to October! Well either I am super tan at the beginning or pregnancy sickness has taken all color out of me! 

(also, I have two 2nd degree burn scars on my left forearm from a show down with the oven earlier this year... they are 100% healed but still plainly obvious)

4 weeks, taken November 25th, 2012. The finding out we were pregnant (11/24/12) story will come later this week. I was also rocking a sinus/cold funk which made the first week of pregnancy not so enjoyable! I remember thinking, am I really holding a positive pregnancy test?! Baby are you in there??

5 weeks, taken December 2nd, 2012. Still in shock that my son/daughter is inside of me! Feeling blessed as ever and happy to be over the cold funk (and without pregnancy symptoms yet!)

6 weeks, taken December 9th, 2012, is when we noticed the belly really starting to change! I love it! I basically wanted to have a 6month bump right away. Bye bye abs, see you....??

7 weeks, taken December 16th, 2012 with our very first sonogram (12/10/12). We got to see our baby the very day the heart started beating! God's providence people! Oh and this week we started suspecting it was twins...look at that belly! (it is only one baby though!)

8 weeks, taken December 23rd, 2012, the day before we told my family. This week morning sickness all the time sickness caused the belly to shrink (sad face, I love my belly!) and major weight loss. Despite being sick as a dog, I was giddy with excitement to tell our families on Christmas Eve about baby Hart!

9 weeks, taken December 30th, 2012. Unfortunately getting sicker and the belly is disappearing... I am also super pale! We saw our little baby the day after Christmas and he/she was perfect! The changes and growth in just 2 weeks is unbelievable! Our munchkin looked like a little gummy bear and we cried seeing how strong the heartbeat was. 

10 weeks, taken January 6th, 2013 after the worst morning all the time sickness week thus far. I dropped to my lowest weight ever and finally got prescribed Zofran which changed my life! I was also battling a nasty cold/sinus thing again.

11 weeks, taken January 13th, 2013. I am definitely rocking the ghost tan and boy is that belly growing! After a few days of solid eating and keeping food down...poof, the tummy was back. And I love it! It's definitely bigger at night when I've eaten 3+ meals and I am finally gaining some weight.

12 weeks, taken January 20th, 2013. So you may be able to tell I am wearing a maternity tank top. I bought a few from Old Navy and wore it because I couldn't find my other (that was getting pretty tight anyway) but my pregnancy brain found it a day later! Feeling good, some cramping here and there but for the most part lots more energy.

13 week update to come tomorrow!

Since we waited a long time to share the news on my blog, there is a lot of detail I want to keep track of. 3 months and lots of changes!

Weight: all over the place! I lost a significant amount of weight getting off birth control (6lbs, even though I didn't gain weight getting ON the pill 3 years ago) so I wasn't sure of my starting weight. I was the lowest weight I have been in probably 10-12 years at my 6 week appt but then getting sick caused even more weight loss. I am going to use my 6 week weight as starting and on Friday at my 12 week appointment I was up 3lbs (still about 3lbs below my normal, still on birth control weight, but doctor is just happy I am gaining). 

Symptoms: I felt great from the day we found out until 6 weeks, that's when our little baby started really growing (aka getting me sick and tired). Nausea & vomitting would wake me up in the mornings and stay strong until bedtime. There were days I would throw up 3 times and days where I wouldn't at all. At week 10, I would vomit 5-6 times a day and threw in the towel and got prescribed Zofran. What a help! I take it first thing in the morning and supplementing with Vitamin B6 twice daily. More on this tomorrow but at the end of week 12, vomiting started up again, despite being on Zofran. Tiredness- honestly I couldn't get enough sleep! I work full time in an office and it was to the point where I would sleep in my car on my lunch break. 14 hours of a sleep wasn't enough...growing a baby is hard work! Around week 9-10 I stopped naps during the day and could survive on 9-10 hours a night. Sore boobs- wowzas! I literally had to hold my chest walking up the stairs (even wearing a bra) for weeks 5-7. They were sore to the touch, sore to movement, and sore just existing! Now the soreness comes and goes. Metallic taste- this is 100% normal and was on and off for the first couple of weeks. Using the bathroom- it wasn't extraordinarily bad at the beginning because I used the bathroom a lot before but around week 10-11, I noticed myself getting up in the middle of the night 3-4 times. Or I will empty before I go to sleep and in 20 minutes I am full again. I know it will just get even worse haha. Constipation- TMI but it is bad. My pregnancy has been so textbook as to when certain symptoms start. It has been super glamorous let me tell ya! Cramping- starting at about 10 weeks, I started having period like cramps which is totally normal, especially for smaller women, because your uterus is growing and ligaments are stretching. At times it feels like I just did a million sit ups and need to stretch my tummy. I know this is 100% normal.

Sleep: like I said above, first trimester I couldn't get enough of it! I savored our winter weekends that we had nothing planned because I'd wake up after 12 hours of sleep, have some breakfast, do some things around the house and then go back for a nap. The first week of my pregnancy I had the flu funk (didn't get tested but it was something) and couldn't breathe so it's like my body was prepping me for NOT sleeping on my stomach, which is the only way I knew how to. So since the day I found out, I have attempted to sleep on my back and side (I only have a few more weeks where it is safe for me to sleep on my back). Jon got me a body pillow for Christmas and I have been using that but it's hard because Ernie wants to cuddle between my legs. I am good without a nap during the day but try to get 9 hours of sleep at night, I am pretty wiped by 9 or 930p.

Cravings/aversions: nothing too extreme but food has to sound really good to me to eat it. It has been hard because I bring my lunch to work and sometimes what I brought just sounds disgusting. I have had some aversions to meat, specifically chicken, but enjoyed a few Chick Fil A sandwiches :-). Random things I've been wanting are mac and cheese, cheese sticks, anything carb-y/salty, red meat, cereal. I am normally a big fruit person and there would be days that the thought of fruit would make me wanna throw up. I laugh because I would come home from the grocery store with the most random things... white cheddar popcorn, 3 cans of pringles, fig newtons...hungry pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to grocery shop!

Workouts: pre pregnancy I taught Zumba, did yoga and hit the weights 3 days a week and I assumed I would have to modify just a bit during pregnancy (yeah I was wrong!). The first 2 weeks of pregnancy I felt great and continued my workouts, sans abs or flat on my back moves but then I got struck with a terrible sinus/allergy/flu thing, tiredness, and all the time sickness, I took lots of time off. It's crazy because I know part of the weight loss was due to vomiting but also because I wasn't lifting weights. When I do have the energy to work out, I do less weight and less intensity than pre pregnancy because I get very winded! I try to do something active most days of the week (at least a walk with Ernie) but sometimes I don't feel like it. I am proud of myself for getting on average about 3 workouts in a week (minus the sick weeks)

Doctor's visits: we thought we were farther along at the beginning so we got to go at 6 weeks and then again at 8 weeks and got a sonogram both times. Our doctor does sonos at almost all appointments and last Friday (12w5d) we had a 3d sonogram which I will share with you tomorrow! 

What a difference 2 weels can make! The baby went from a little Pac Man to a gummy bear with little arms and legs. All the nurse could say at the beginning was "look at that strong heart beat!". Cue tears and hand squeezes between me and Jon. 

Tomorrow you'll get a peek at our 3D sonogram in my 13 week update! Later in the week I have the stories of why we started trying when we did, how we found out we were pregnant, and telling our family. Hope you stick around!

P.S. I am going to try to respond to comments an emails in the next few days, we were so overwhelmed with love and support that I am anxious to start responding! Sorry if it takes a few days. 


Anonymous said...

I love this post! You are soooo cute pregnant! :)

KRISTIN said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! You are the cutest little thing ever! Look at that adorable belly!!! I have to say that I SQUEALED at Jason's family's Christmas when I got your text! So fun that you got to share the news Christmas Day! I just couldn't be happier for you and am so excited to follow along, and lend advice/support when I can! XOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOX.

Lauren H Edmondson said...

this post makes my Monday so much brighter! I too was watching the clock for when I could take my next Zofran when I was pregnant, in regards to the constipation, my doc said that one of the big side effects of Zofran was being "stopped up" so it's a fight between which symptom is worse haha. Praying for you and all the excitement ahead!

Lacey S said...

You are too precious with your baby bump so early on !! Absolutely adorable!


Amy said...

As the commenter said above it is true about the Zofran causing constipation. My OB let me take Miralax to counteract it. It did help and my prenatal vitamin contained a stool softener. But, like she said above, I preferred constipation to vomitting. I didn't start Zofran until 20 wks because I didn't know it wasn't normal how sick I was feeling. I had to start Nexium too. The heartburn contributed to my all day sickness. I have seen the toilet in a lot of places during my 39 wks of pregnancy. ha ha I would just remind myself it meant my pregnancy was healthy. Congrats and enjoy the miracle!

Ashley said...

You look fantastic!! Hope you begin to feel better soon!!

Bridget said...

Love love love that you are on this journey and I get to follow! Hopefully the 2nd trimester gets better for you on the sickness and energy side. I was always super tired in the first trimester (no sickness though) and now have GREAT energy!!! I am so excited for this whole week of baby stuff :)

Brooke Hamilton said...

I sure do love that belly! I'm anxious to see the rest of your updates written out! Eeeeeks!

Michelle said...

oh my god you are so cute!

Anonymous said...

You are so cute!!! Again Congrats to you both and I look forward to seeing and reading the weekly updates on Baby Hart.

Have a good day sweetie.

Gina said...

Too cute!! Such a little belly.
You'll love documenting your journey this way. I just looked back at my posts from my journey during pregnancy. It's amazing to think you're growing a human being.

Samantha Jo said...

How cute are you!? I hope your morning/all day sickness starts to fade soon so you can get off the medicine. I was SO sick up until week 20-21 with my baby girl – it even got to the point where I had to keep something in my vehicle at all times because I would get the urge to throw up on my commutes to and from work. Puking while driving is the ultimate form of multitasking – I'm sure of it! Enjoy these moments while they're here! My little one is almost 5 months old and it feels like just yesterday I was 39 weeks pregnant waddling around and waiting for her to arrive! They are truly the best times – and children are the biggest, tiniest blessings you can ever imagine! If you think your heart is full now, just wait! :D Congratulations to you and your hubby and your families! Baby Hart is going to be beautiful and blessed with so much love!

Anonymous said...

You are so adorable !! I love watching your joy and excitement, it has been a long time since I went through that and it is going to be so fun watching your pregnancy !! I am so happy for you both !! YOur childred will bring you so much joy and it is wonderful that you are enoying every second , even the hard parts, like the sickness, you are embracing it as part of the journey !!
I loved being pregnant too and I can't wait to watch you post your bump pictures , I am glad you are sharing with us !!!
I will keep your beautiful family in my prayers, I am just so excited for you !!

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Aw such a cute pregger belly! I can describe how excited I am for you! You guys are going to be great parents <3

Liz said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Love that baby Hart! Definitely making mama look good pregnant at least, despite not making you feel very good!!

Love the picture sequence idea!

Danielle said...

SOOOO CUTE!!! I can't wait to see your little baby bump grow! So happy for you and Jon! Are you guys still obsessed with mustaches?? There are so many cute mustache baby things I've seen..I may have to pick you up something ;)

Carolyn said...

YAY!! :) Love the recap!! You're so dang cute!!!

Mateya said...

Congratulations!!! Such an exciting time! Glad you're feeling better!

Katie said...

you are adorable!! I am 16 weeks pregnant and am still naueseous and throwing up! zofran was and still is a life saver - but I hear you on the constipation! I'm pretty sure the zofran makes it worse. I have been eating lots of prunes and dried apricots, which I think helps some but it is one symptom that is not fun!!

Hall Around Texas said...

So, So, So precious!!!!!!

Jenny said...

Congrats!! Pregnancy is so wonderful even with the morning sickness! Glad you got some relief though.

You look amazing!

Lia Joy said...

I swear! You have the cutest bump ever! I'm so happy for you, Ruthie!

J and A said...

Love this!!! New follower - you are so cute!!

Unknown said...

Cutest preggo EVER!!!! I have to see this bump in person, I just love it. :) I love this little baby so much already, can't wait to send he/she little surprises soon!

Libby's Life said...

You are seriously the cutest!!! I am so excited to follow along with your journey and watching that baby bump grow! :)

Joeylee said...

I love how you take the same pictures each week. It will be fun to look back on. You look great! Congrats again

Julie Keller said...

Such a great post Ruthie, and a great way to document your pregnancy. I'm going to live vicariously through you (we're not ready to start having a family yet). Your bump is beyond adorable! Can't wait to keep reading your story.

Anonymous said...

seriously, you are the cutest pregnant person ever. you are going to be such a great mom. (the kind that all the other kids are jealous of) :) and jon is going to be the awesome dad telling your cute kid all about mustangs and why they are the best cars. :)

Tanya Kummerow said...

Congratulations Ruthie! I am so excited for you. I love that you are still so upbeat and positive, despite all the sickness. I was also so sick, a very similar experience maybe, but I was so so negative. I didn't enjoy most of my pregnancy as a result. Now that Eleanor is here, I know it was all worth it, but I do wish I would have tried to enjoy it just a bit. I think your blog is inspiration, especially if I ever decide to have another. I am so happy for you and am excited to be able to share in your journey on here. May God bless you!

Emily said...

Congrats, Ruthie!! I've been following for about a year, and I couldn't be happier for you guys! No need to reply.. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you :) xoxo Thanks for sharing your story with all of us!

Because Shanna Said So said...

Oh my gosh, Ruthie!!! I not only got the chills seeing your belly, I teared up too!!! Look at that little growing belly!!!! I soooooo want to hug you in real life right now!! You are gonna be nothing but baby belly, I can feel it. And you are going to be the BEST mommy ever!! I am beyond excited to follow you and Jon on this new chapter in your life...praying for you guys!

Kara Kae James - The Mom Diggity said...

Love your precious belly!!!!! Makes my 9 month belly look HUGE right now though ;) I'm sorry you've been so sick! I went through all of that with my first two so I totally understand how it's a blessing, but also horrible at the same time. I hope you start feeling better soon sweet friend!

Unknown said...

you look so cute! I know how you feel being so sick, it stinks but it is so worth it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Such awesome news. It is such an amazing journey to go through growing a baby - God's miracle. Enjoy every minute of it, the time will pass so quickly. So happy for you and Jon.

Unknown said...

Awwwww! Sweetest story ever! Soooo happy for you guys and I'm already praying for you and baby Hart. May God bless your little family and hide you in the shelter of His wings.

Unknown said...

you and your little baby bump are stinkin' adorable! I love it!! and I also love reading posts like this! cant wait to follow along this new and exciting journey for you guys!!

Kelly said...

Oh my you are the cutest. Congratulations!!!

So Shay said...

AHHHHHH! I just smiled while reading this whole thing. So happy to know you and get to follow along love bug! :) EEEEK!!!!

Brandi said...

Hooorayyyy I can not wait to read all your pregnancy updates! So exciting :) You look adorable!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Look at that bump! So cute! I wish I had started showing that early, I wanted a big ol' bump immediately too! ;) Ahhh, so fun!

Unknown said...

That last picture you can really tell how awesome a baby belly looks on someone so tiny like us. I'm 24 and not even 100 lbs, i need to gain before a pregnancy. Good luck Ruthie, you look beautiful! :) Hi baby Hart!~

Karen said...

I am so excited to watch this amazing journey of yours. God Bless you Both!!

Sweet P Jackie said...

You look beautiful in all your pictures... Can't wait to follow your journey!

What program do you use to put multiple pictures together like your belly shots??

Stephanie said...

You have such a cute little bump!! I am so excited to read all of your baby related posts so keep em coming!

yours truly said...

You're looking great! We're expecting our first little one in April! So exciting :)

Hip-Baby Mama said...

I was soooo excited to get a tummy, too. You look adorable!

Lauren said...

I lost 10 or more lbs in the first trimester... Maybe even 15?! I don't remember but it was rouggghhhh. I still managed to end up over 50lbs heavier haha, so I guess I should be thankful I got off to a slow start ;) I love your pregnancy updates. I'll be living through baby Hart pregnancy updates and newborn photos until we're ready again. So so excited for you (I think I've said that about 50 times but, seriously).

EJ said...

I don't think I will get tired of reading about this. It's the best news and you both are so grateful and cherishing each and every moment and new experience (good and "bad") ... it's refreshing and inspiring! Congratulations to you both! (Ernie too - I'm sure he will take his duties as a Big Brothers very seriously. Best of luck - may you continue to grow a healthy baby and have a wonderful pregnancy.

C Mae said...

I cannot wait to read all the other stories to come...:)

Jessica said...

So excited to follow along in your journey!! I loved that on your new years post I was hoping for a baby hart & its true!! Its like I secretly knew!!i love how you are in jeans & a white shirt in all the pictures too!! Truly shows your growth! Cant wait to read more!!

Pamela said...

Congratulations again!! You are SOO cute!!

Anonymous said...

You are a seriously beautiful pregnant mama! So happy for you :)

Brittany said...

Woohoo! So excited for you!

krystal said...

Wheeee! Congrats! :) :) I found out I was pregnant on New Year's Eve 2011. Good luck! :)

Melissa A said...

Congratulations, you look great!!

Nikol Schiller said...

Your belly is so big! You are the cutest pregnant mama ever. :) So happy for you and Jon, Ruthie. Can't wait to hear more baby stories.

Kym Fox said...

What a cute little baby belly! I can't wait to read more of your stories and I thank you so much for sharing this exciting time with your blog readers :) xo

Krista said...

Love all things baby related! Keep the updates coming! Glad you are feeling a bit better. I had to do Zofran with both of mine as well. That nausea can throw you for a heck of a loop! Happy times are ahead in the 2nd trimester :)

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

Oh my goosssh you are so cute, I can't handle it!! You are so organized despite feeling so ill! I could NOT NOT NOT get on the computer at all, it made my nausea worse! I wish I had documented more, though! Gosh I am loving all these baby posts-- they make me happy. I've had tears in my eyes the whole post!!!!

Unknown said...

Awww I love these!! So cute!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Such a great post! You look fabulous!

Unknown said...

Which software did you use to insert a round symbol and text inside? BTW, congratulations on your upcoming baby in August!

Anonymous said...

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