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Thursday, June 20, 2013

33 weeks

Thank you all SO much for the incredible feedback, answers, and recommendations from my Questions for Mamas post. I have lots of reading material for the next few days and although I won't be able to respond to each comment or email, please know how grateful I am for all your input! I am thinking of compiling the answers for an answer post to help other first time mamas to be.

Thoughts: we returned from Mexico and I'm still pregnant... yay! We had an absolute blast (more pics to come) but I am pretty darn wiped out. Traveling at 8 months pregnant was definitely do-able but my body was slow moving and tired. We got home last night and I swear the nesting started immediately! I will be camped out in Austin at home until the baby comes so it's starting to feel more and more real. 

Baby: getting big! We know he is already over 4lbs (was 4lbs 7oz at 28 weeks) and about 17 inches. He will pack on weight from now until he is born and grow an inch or two. His immune system is getting stronger everyday... I am getting so anxious and excited to meet our boy!

Symptoms: no Zofran this week yay! Flying wasn't an issue (we took a 2.5 hour direct flight, no swelling, didn't have to use the restroom and slept most of the flight). The worst symptom this week is heart palpitations and flutters...and they are bad. It's the weirdest feeling because even laying down, breathing deep, and hydrating don't help. I know it will get worse as I get bigger. Rolling out of bed and moving from the laying or sitting position to standing is really hard. Random aches and pains, totally normal. 

Movement: tons!!! This week I told Jon I can feel him clicking his feet together inside of me, it is hard to explain but such a weird sensation. I know he is still head down because his feet have moved into my rib cage (I can maneuver them down by pushing pretty hard and he doesn't like that). Significant increase in sharp movements which can be attributed to my amniotic fluid being maxed out. My stomach is so entertaining to watch, this boy is a mover and shaker!

Cravings/aversions/eating: I ate lots of yummy fruit this week on vacation (favorites were pineapple, honeydew and watermelon). I also ate tons of great steak and seafood (lobster, crab) so we definitely got protein! I used my sweets on special occasion pass and ate treats each night... boy was it amazing! 

Workouts: nothing this week... heck walking back and forth from the pool to our room to the beach and to the restaurants was enough of a workout for me during our trip!  I may try to go to the gym today or tomorrow.

Sleep: pretty good... I only wake up once for potty but going back to bed sucks. I've started using an eye cover after I get up and it helps a bit. Rolling from one side to the other is tough too. We slept GOOD and lots on vacation!

Clothes: maternity pants and tops, some non maternity dresses, and thankfully I was able to wear regular swimsuits on our trip. I am loving my Old Navy maternity yoga pants and cotton tanks.

Random: we see the doctor next week and then start weekly visits after that! I've started a list of things we need to do in the coming weeks and it is very surreal... wash clothes, install carseat, buy diapers. We know lots of women who are giving birth early so it definitely lights a fire under me to be prepared! I can't stop thinking about what our little guy looks like. 

A few sneak peek of our trip...

Riveria Maya Oct 2012 vs. Riveria Maya June 2013... what a difference 8 months makes!

Beach babes!


Unknown said...

you are such a cute pregnant mama! I am getting excited to meet you sweet baby too!!

Candice Williams said...

Hope you had the best time on your trip. Would love to hear more about it. Yay for no meds this week and got almost being at the light at the end!! It's houng to be here so soon. You look amazing!!

Courtney Kassner said...

You look great! I am 9 weeks behind you and have enjoyed reading your posts so I can know what to expect. Mexico looks like a blast! I would love to see a compiled "answers" post from your birth/baby questions!

Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink said...

Oh my goodness, it is just uncanny how similar our pregnancies have been. I feel the same way about sleep, I hate having to get back into bed after waking up in the middle of the night because it is such a chore to turn from side to side and get comfortable. And yay for sleeping on your babymoon. That was us too! We slept for so long and through the night! All it takes is just getting away.
You look so fabulous pretty lady. I can't wait to see more pics from your trip and to see what your little man looks like!

KRISTIN said...

You have to be the most gorgeous pregnant lady of all time. I seriously CANNOT believe you are so close. It feels like just yesterday I got that exciting text on Christmas morning! :)

Carolyn said...

YAY!! :) I am so glad that you had a fun trip! And now it's all about baby prep! He's going to be here in NO TIME! :)

Carly said...

You look AMAZING!!!! Glad you had a blast!


Amanda said...

you look GREAT girl! I miss you! Can't wait to see you next week! xoxo

Casey said...

That bump!! The cutest. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're already 33 weeks!! You're honestly the fittest pregnant woman I've ever laid eyes on!

I hope these next few weeks are a breeze for you!

Claire Beeks said...

What a fun trip! Looks like you had a great time! The background in your bump pics is absolutely GORGEOUS! And so are you! I hope the remainder of your time being pregnant goes smoothly, and I am excited for you each and every day! Love you!

Erin LFF said...

33 weeks?! Crazy!! That adorable little man is going to be here in no time!!

Anonymous said...

you are so cute! i love the side by side of 8 months ago and now. also, what is your tattoo of on your side?

jessi bridges said...

You look so good Ruthie! HOW do you have no stretch marks on that gorgeous tummy of your's since you started out so skinny?? My belly is wrecked from 2 pregnancies.

Annie said...

BEAUTIFUL 13 month pictures--looks like you all had such a wonderful time! Can't wait to see more pictures--your family looks like such a fun bunch! Get some rest!! I'm off to look at your questions for mamas post now :D

Unknown said...

Compile the answers... Please!!!!

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

You look amazing!! :)

Sarah said...

i cant get enough of you! i just want to hug you and chat over lunch every day. lol! what a CREEP i am.
cant wait for your recap and im so glad you had a lovely time with a safe return!

Randi S said...

You look fabulous!! I'm 31 weeks tomorrow, and can only hope to look as great in the next few weeks! lol. I love that you're still rocking the bikini! :)

Pandorah's Box said...

It's getting close! I think a lot of people are excited along with you!

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