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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Last night we carved our pumpkins just in time for Halloween. We held out because the plan was to carve baby H2.0's gender into a pumpkin and post it for the reveal but here we are still waiting. 17 days from my 1st blood draw and 9 since my 2nd. I have been so anxious and antsy up until yesterday and now I am convinced we will never find out! What is funny is our gender sonogram is on November 10th so we might as well just wait. I am not a patient person, oye. 

So with no ideas for my pumpkin I scrolled through Pinterest, found the first one I liked and went for it. I told Jon this was the first year that I did the whole thing myself, except for cutting the top. I gutted it, scraped it clean, drew, and carved. It really looks nothing like the picture but like I said, I am not patient :). Ford wasn't so into the pumpkin carving. Part of me thinks he was stressed that we were cutting into the pumpkins... he is obsessed with them. I may have to keep some fake ones out year round because he walks around with his mini pumpkin all day. 

At one point I looked over and he was "washing" the floor with the kitchen towel. Oh he is my son!

We spent about a half hour outside in the front yard admiring our pumpkins. Ford kept walking over and cocking his head at them, I think he thought they were alive. Ford LOVES our front yard because we have so many little lizards running around and he searches for them in the bushes and plants. He also loves waving at cars and people going by. And I feel like I need to mention this (even though I mention it so often) but Ford pretty much only wears clothes when we are in public. He was dressed in shortalls while we were out today and we were running really close to naptime so I just threw him in his sleepsack in his clothes for his afternoon nap and when he got up he was soaked in sweat. Thank goodness the weather is still really nice in Texas because he's my diaper baby!

Tonight we are taking Ford trick or treating to a few neighbors houses before his early bedtime, then we will set up in our front yard to hand out candy. We love Halloween and can't believe it is almost over! Tomorrow my Thanksgiving decorations go up!


Unknown said...

Happy halloween ! Enjoy!

Rebekah @ Chronicles from the Peanut Gallery said...

I'm sorry it's taking so long to find out the gender. I'm not very patient either, especially with big things like that!
I like the idea of using the pumpkin stem as a nose! So cute!

Sarah said...

Oh, his belly!!!! Love me a little fluff bum with a baby belly hanging over it!! It's too cold in Boston to run around in a diaper but whenever Noelle gets the chance, she does!

Unknown said...

So cute!I do love a diaper baby. Can't wait to see what you are having!


Allena said...

Love the pumpkins! Can't wait to hear about Baby H2O!!!

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