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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Unconventional Crockpot Lasagna

A Facebook friend of mine shared a recipe for crockpot lasagna with me a couple of weeks ago and it has been on my "to make list". I've been on a mission to clean out our freezer which usually results in a crockpot meal and lasagna came to mind. Unfortunately I didn't have all the ingredients for the dish (and I was too lazy to drive 1 mile to the grocery store) so I created my own little concoction that I will definitely be making again!

1 lb ground meat 
2 cups pasta sauce (I used a homemade sauce I had in the freezer that Jon made a couple weeks ago)
1 10oz package of frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
1 15oz jar of ricotta cheese
2 cups chopped tomatoes
3 cups uncooked pasta
1/2 cup water
1/2 tbsp onion powder
1/2 tbsp garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Super easy...add all the ingredients into the crockpot
2. Cook on high for 4 hours, stirring every hour
3. Enjoy!

Jon IM'ed me the next morning at work saying "guess what I had for breakfast?". Now my husband is known for eating to most random assortment of foods together...lunch may be a can of refried beans (out of the can, not heated), peanut butter toast and a protein shake. He was excited to tell me he was chowing down on some "unconventional lasagna for an unconventional breakfast". I love that he will eat anything!

Do you ever "make up" recipes and they turn out to be spectacular?? I seem to be doing that a lot lately! Please share!


Lindsey @ Campfire Song said...

I've been looking for a crockpot lasagna recipe - I even have noodles for it! Thanks for posting :)

Christina L. said...

That looks delicious! A friend of mine made up a recipe (below), and it has become one of my dinner staples. It takes a little bit of time (because of the butternut squash), but it is worth it!

Claire Beeks said...

HAHA I eat like that too. Actually, yesterday I cracked open a can of refried beans and ate them out of the jar! My unconventional recipes usually involve pasta sauce, cheese, and whatever else I have to add (meat, pasta, bread, veggies, you name it). Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's NOT!

I also make muffins out of just about anything. I'll use whole wheat flour, add a little oil, applesauce, some type of fruit and spices and voila! Muffins! :-)

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

Oooo this looks tasty! :) I might just make it this week, thanks girl!

Also-- beans out of the can!? Haha!

Karen said...

Yum! Putting this one on my list :) I often make meals a little different because I rarely have all the ingredients for a recipe. I'm also too lazy to drive that mile to the grocery store.

Lisa said...

I love when I "modify" a recipe and it turns out fantastic!

It's a little harder now, since P is such a picky eater and won't eat most of the things I like. But I'm going to work on that! We have many years to slowly change his eating habits!

Becca {A Blonde's Logic} said...

I would never have thought of this! Great idea!


Courtney said...

Yummmm!!!!! That looks so good right now. I have this wonderfully huge crockpot we got for a wedding present and I'm so happy to learn of new meals to put in it! Thanks for sharing your recipe.

Kristy said...

This looks delish!! Must try this!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow this sounds awesome!! I'm pinning it!!

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