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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Yesterday I chopped off a good chunk of my hair...

And it feels SO healthy!

I am not a hair person by ANY means. The last time I got it cut was about 8 months ago, and that is perfectly fine with me. I get my haircut, let it grow out and get it cut again. My hair routine consists of washing it every-other-day (sometimes everyday depending if I sweat) and brushing it. No products, no straightener, and no time spent on it. I was telling my hairdresser yesterday about how I've given up on trying to add volume to my hair by teasing it because it always ends in a hair meltdown. My part is so defined that if I try to tease the back for a "bump", my hair ends up parting itself, bump falls and my head looks so greasy. 

I've always had dreams of this...

But it ain't eva gonna happen. And I'm fine with that. The second I start complaining about my thin, body-less husband reminds me that people kill for stick straight hair. Oh and then I remember how I love that I can get ready in 3 minutes in the morning and everything is okay. 

So every time I see new hair tutorials on pinterest or I am swooning over a celeb hairstyle...I have to bring myself back to reality. 

So do y'all have any tips for me?? Any easy, non product, zero time consuming secrets to get gorgeous hair?


Leah said...

Cute cut! Did you go to Brenda? My only tip is to call Ashley "Kitty" next time you need to rock a bump.

Brooke said...

Blowdry your hair upside down with the roots away from your head. Helps me!

Jen said...

Your hair looks so good! It is really shiny and healthy-looking. Mine is a really dry texture and looks like hay.. it's not very feminine. And I have to use a straightener so I'm sure that's most of what is causing it to be that way. My hair also has NO volume what-so-ever. and I have to wash it every single day because it gets so oily so easily. Ok I'll stop ranting about my hair now :)I really do love your hair cut though and you're so lucky you don't have to use a straightener or any products!!

jessi bridges said...

Oh you are so lucky yo have straight hair!! It takes me forever with a flat iron to get my straight. It has an obnoxious wave to it. You new cut is super cute!

Michelle said...

Cute! I love it.

Amanda said...

Love the cut!! I don't have any advice tho lol...I'm not a hair person either! Have a great day!

GingerPeachT said...

Love the length of it now! This may I'm gonna go back to a bob again. I loved it that short.

Have you ever tried putting lots of mini messy buns with damp hair at night, then sleep on it? It makes amazing volume and curls. But it takes practice because it can be a hot mess. Haha

Amira said...

I have no tips for your sleek, shiny, beautifully straight hair - sorry! But I will say, everyday when you wake up you should thank God for blessing you with it, haha. Because having volumous hair means that you have to WORK to make it look decent. I'd kill to have your straight hair!

Carolyn said...

It's so cute!!! I have stick straight hair too. Except in the back. Random wave. Weird. HAHA but I do love getting ready so quickly! :)

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

Purty Hot to Trot!

Unknown said...

I love the cut!

I know that Kate always talks about using aquaphor or something on her hair for volume, maybe it'd work for you?

I am so jealous of your hair though, it's gorgeous.

Raquel said...

I love it!!

amylu said...

I have hair like yours. I can never get volume and if I curl it it's usually flat and straight as soon as I leave my apartment.

It drives me nuts that I can never do anything fancy with my hair because it's so straight and flat.

But I do LOVE the fact that I can flip my wet hair upside down, blow dry it, and walk out the door 3 minutes later. No products or straighteners used... its nice!

If you hear of any good hair cuts, styles, etc for hair like ours let me know!

Amanda said...

I've got stick straight hair like yours too, so I feel ya on this. Unfortunately, the only thing I've found is that putting chunky layers into my hair has given it some nice volume (and blow drying it the night before).

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

i am loving the new "do"! :) you look gorgeous!!! and hubby is right... i would kill for straight hair! i have this nasty bumpy wave in the back of my head hahahaha!

henning love said...

gosh i wish i had your hair just wash brush and go! really no products no nothing? lucky you

Summer Pennington said...

Have you tried to sock bun tutorial on Pinterest? You roll your slightly damp hair up in a sock and let it dry over night. When you take it out in the morning you will have beautiful curls. I haven't tried it, but I have heard it works really well!

Wendy said...

My hair is the same way... straight straight straight! I actually laughed out loud this Christmas when my Mother in Law (who is fabulous) gave me a hair straightener! I found it funny! I have to admit, I cut my hair just about as often as you :) The last time was in Sept. so I'm good until at the very earliest March or April!

Allison said...

I actually tried Aquage Uplifting Foam (which is what Kate uses) and it really works! It the ONLY volumizer that has worked for me. I have very thick straight hair...try it!

Unknown said...

I'm SO jealous it only takes you 3 minutes!!! My hair is curly and I usually don't like to wear it that way so unless I just throw it in a side braid (which I do a lot), my hair takes forever to blowdry and curl or flat iron!

Hollie Ann said...

Let's trade hair!!!!!!! I want pin straight hair!!! I love it ruthie it looks great!

Vivian said...

You are beautiful either way. I've had naturally curly hair my whole life. I wear it straight. And sometimes I catch myself complaining about my curly hair in front of my daughter who has gorgeous naturally curly hair...I need to do better. I need to be able to raise a confident daughter by loving me for who I am...never too late!

Unknown said...

Carrie's hair is perfect in that picture! I always look to her pictures when I go in to get a haircut! Cute blog !

The Magnolia Pair


Unknown said...

Wait, that may not be Carrie Underwood now that I look at it again. But, still a great hair pic! And I wish I had some beauty tips for you. I struggle myself.. :(

Erin James said...

girl you are too cute! my hair routine is VERY similar :) yours is so shiny and gorgeous!

Alana said...

I love it! I'm actually getting my hair cut this week too! I'm not sure how much, but it might have to be a good bit to get all of the dead ends. I haven't had a trim since before our wedding! :/ My plan is to teach Mike how to cut it for me! ha

Unknown said...

love that length! I am not really a hair person either, at least during the week. I do sometimes get it mostly dry and then twist it into a high bun and let it sit while I get ready. I take it out before I leave and have some volume and a little bit of a wave. I don't mess with it much. It usually just ends up back in a ponytail later anyways!

Ms. Chianne said...

Your hair looks so cute! Have you ever tried one of those "bump-it" things? My hair is naturally wavy, but has zero volume, so I got one of those and it looks so good! You should try it if you haven't already. :)

... said...

Isn't it funny how we all wish we had different hair! I have always hated my stick straight and thin hair....but like you, I don't have to do anything to it...which is something to be thankful for! Your hair is a gorgeous color and SO SHINY!!

Bree said...

love your new hair :) I am also jealous that you don't have to do anything to it to make it look as good as it does.

Kristy said...

I LOVE your hair!!! I have ALWAYS dreamed of having hair like yours!! Mine is naturally curly so I have to blow it out and straighten it EVERYDAY!!! And don't even get me started on humid Texas!!
I would die to have straight silky hair like yours!!! Wanna trade???

Meagan said...

I hate going to get mine done but I went today and got my usual scolding from my hair stylist.

Liz Brown said...

Your hair is beautimous! The quick factor is awesome for everyday, and then theres always backcombing to try for dressing up. :P I do it when I want a little volume.

Dee Paulino said...

Your hair looks so healthy, I have been cutting mine at home due to some traumatizing experiences with different hair stylists.

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks AMAZING!!!!! I love the length!

C Mae said...

I have PIN straight hair too---your husband is a wise man..I am really glad I have straight hair that I can curl anytime and yet get out of the shower and just a little dry with the hair dryer and I am good to go! :)

Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

I love your hair! Mine always takes forever to straighten or curl. And I have no tips for you. :)

Amy @ Amy Day to Day said...

You really do have gorgeous hair! It's so smooth looking, like a baby's! So undefiled by hair products and tools. Can you curl your hair or does it not hold?

Abbey said...

haha I totally have the permanent part and can never do the "poof". I am in your same boat...just need a little help from the ole' straightener here there.:) Love the new cut!

Kristen Thornburg said...

you look HOT! :)
i have no tips. i have thin hair, but i have a lot of it... feels like i can never work with it. i literally comb it when i get out of the shower, dry the ends with a towel..and leave it. ha! im so boring..

ashlyn | nicole said...

super cute hair ruthie!
love ittttt!
& i love that blonde look too!

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

It looks GREAT!! You are gorge-ous either way but I'm loving the new do!!


Adrienne said...

My hair has no volume either and barely holds a curl, but it's not the wash and air dry kind either. If I do that it ends up drying with funny kinks or frizzy. I always think cutting it will make it easier but I always end up regretting it days later. :(

On the bad hair days a bun or ponytail always works... :)

Emily said...

I'm a new follower! About a year ago I chopped my hair 11 inches. I have stick straight hair too. While I love it most days, other days I would love to have waves or curls....something other than straight! :)

Katie {katie lately} said...

Dang girl you have high standards!!! Easy, no product, zero time.... In that case I'd have to say be happy with what God gave you sister! Your hair is adorable, and it fits you in my opinion. No fuss, super cute :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a new follower! :) I agree - you should be thankful for that stick straight hair. I straighten mine to death to get it that way, and it's fried. :( Looking forward to more of your posts! :)

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