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Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday stuff

Hi friends

Today is MLK Day and I found out at 4pm last Friday that we had today off :-). Jon doesn't I am getting a haircut in a bit and hope to spend the day outside with the pups and relaxing. Since I work 40 hours a week on the computer, I savor a computer-less day.

But I did want to share some stuff with you...

Last week when Jon wasn't traveling for work, he kindly acted as my photography practice model. I am trying to take outdoor pictures in manual only from now on and that takes a LOT of practice for an impatient person like me. Jon is also learning with me.

This weekend was just what we needed, relaxing and fun. We went over to a friends house on Friday night and were psyched when they told us to wear PJs!!! We watched the movie Fright Night and it was sooo weird, funny, awkward, odd. Have y'all seen it? The only vampire things I know come from Twilight so I was learning how to scare them off. Garlic (I knew), crosses and wooden stakes...

Saturday we looked at houses with our realtor which was really exciting! Somehow walking around houses and criticizing their decorating choices is REALLY exhausting. We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening watching a movie (The Burbs), Miss America (please tell me someone saw the Disneyland song...pure pain to watch), and of! Bummer about the Broncos and Texans this weekend. Oh and the Saints too. I really really like Drew Brees' character so I really like the Saints. We are just hoping the Pats can kick the Ravens out of the playoffs next week (since the Browns didn't make the playoffs, we just have to root against Pittsburgh who is already out and Baltimore). 

Look what my sweet friend Mary gave me. LOVE these!

We also did a lot of cooking.

Saturday night I made the most amazing spaghetti bake and I will for sure share the recipe soon. Hint, it had cream cheese and cream cheese makes everything better. Sunday we made peanut butter pancakes before church and they hit the spot.  Sunday night it was good ole' chicken pot pie. Now we have a fridge full of leftovers yay.

Sunday we went to church and were lucky to have a friend come along. We had lunch at my parents house, watched some football then pretty much had a full meal at Costco with samples (ladies...take your men to Costco and they will fall in love with shopping!). We watched The Fan and more football. We have a really busy week coming up so it was nice to spend time hanging out and laying low.

What did you do this weekend??



C Mae said...

I haven't seen the it worth seeing or you think I should skip it?

Allison said...

Looking forward to that recipe!!

KRISTIN said...

Sounds like a great weekend! We had a nice low-key weekend as well. So exciting you're looking at houses! Anything you loved?

jessi bridges said...

Looking at houses IS exhausting!! We did it last summer, in the 100 degree heat, in the middle of the day, with a baby who had to be continuously buckled in and unbuckled at each stop. I will never do that again (especially since we didn't even end up buying! which now is a blessing).

And yes football! Sorry to say it, but my prediction is a Baltimore v New York superbowl. Those Ravens are outstanding this year! (note- I am NO Ravens fan. I am a Charger fan thru and thru :)

Sounds like a really good weekend. Have a wonderful day off!!

Bla Bla Blog said...

That song was awful, its made me cringe..

Amira said...

Wearing pajamas makes everything better!!!! I will definitely be checking back for that recipe.

Congrats on house hunting! That is so exciting :-) Can't wait for that day.

Jennifer said...

My dad used to make me peanut butter pancakes when I was little but he doesn't remember how. The recipe you posted sounds good and easy. I made it a pin on pinterest!

Anonymous said...

wooo! just came across your blog and its so cute ruthie :) i LOVE pb pancakes and am so happy other people know what i'm talking about when i make it haha! new follower!

Amanda said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend, Ruthie! I like that picture of you with the dagger and cross. So serious! How did your haircut turn out? Send a pic? And I'm impressed with the photo taking! You're learning really fast. It's my dream to have a DSLR camera now...

Katie {katie lately} said...

sister! you have the prettiest smile!

... said...

jam-packed weekend of fun! :) haha...the picture of you with the stake made me laugh. i know a day with you would be full of so much fun and laughter!

Meg said...

Those pancakes look super yummy and I cannot wait to hear the recipe for the spaghetti bake!

Your weekend was super packed! That is fun every once in a while though, I love that your friends told you to wear PJs, how fab is that?!?!

Happy house hunting, it definitely is exhausting.

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