Lately I feel like Jon and I are in a season of "testing" in our lives.
Trying out restaurants in our new area
Testing our patience with our neighbors barking dog
Testing our patience with our neighbors barking dog
And biggest of all, testing by the Lord.
2 nights ago I was talking with some friends about faith. What would be the purpose of faith if we didn't have questions? Or doubts? Would we strive for a higher relationship with God if we had all the answers?
Jon and I have had our faith tested multiple times in the past couple of weeks. Whether it be an all night debate with a friend on what we believe, an email from a reader asking for clarification on a statement I made on my blog, or getting calls from people who finally had their "aha" moment after years of doubt and hurt. The Lord is testing our trust. It's so crazy how quickly He can answer prayers. Jon and I prayed for that the Lord would allow us to impact others and give us the voice and wisdom to do so. And BOOM. Answered prayer. Not exactly the perfect ways we were praying for. But it is been a wonderful challenge.
How often do you sit back and dissect your beliefs? Yes I believe in God. Yes I believe Jesus is the Son of God that was sent to save us. But do you ask yourself why? It hit me like a ton of bricks that I needed a better answer than, "because the bible says so." Patience, grace, intimacy, pursuit, compassion, love, salvation...these are the reasons I believe.
Yes it's been a crazy couple of weeks in our household--- spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, etc....but we're smiling at the fact God chose us to become His soldiers and share His word. When I think of spiritual gifts, I know my husband has the gift to prophecy. He is so influential and doesn't abuse the intelligence and strength the Lord has given him. And as for me. I used to think I started this blog for me. For our family. To chronicle marriage, life, our future, and everything in between. But I now know that this blog was born for me to spread The Word. God gave me a voice and has given me the reach.
Right now we are saying, bring it on God. Challenges are the things that fuel and drastically change our hearts.
Do you ever feel like you're being tested??

I agree 100% with this post! I felt this way recently when it seemed like everything in my life was failing and not going right. Little did I know that I had spent all my time focusing on the bad, that I didn't even realize what good was going on. But, still, it took me weeks to even get to that point. Having hope and faith are key! Love this post Ruthie!
And Ernie is so cute as always! I've actually been thinking of rescuing a frenchie (like him) lately!
that's great! I'm so glad to hear God using you guys :) I feel the same way about my blog. I started it for me, I'm finishing it for God -- however long He lets me have this avenue.
What a great point of view that what would the purpose of faith be if we didn't have questions and doubts! I've really been struggling with that lately, feeling like I'm in such a rut in my walk with Him. Thanks for the encouragement!
Great great post. I feel my faith is being tested right now, needed to read this!
I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in some higher power, and I often wonder if someone's looking over and laughing as I goof up. haha
There are definitely days when I feel as if I'm being pushed to become better. At least I like to think of it that way. What else could be the cause of so many hard things happening in such a short period of time?
Great post! And I so know we are being tested on living out our faith right now. Not having any answers of employment is really scary at times, but even if it means we need to downsize the way of living God will provide.
I too need to better evaluate why I choose to follow Christ. Thanks for the reminder of how great trials can benefit us. Even if it sucks lol
I love that God invites our questions and that He has answers. We never have to be afraid to ask because God is so big. He will answer anything and it all fits together with his word! I love it!
And talk about testing. I feel like the past YEAR of our life has been a test. We have NO idea what we're supposed to be doing, where we're supposed to be going: stay in Texas? move to Vegas? move somewhere else? It's kind of driving us a little crazy. Although this week we're thinking (ok, more like hoping) that some of those questions may get answered. But in the mean time we're just waiting and praying, knowing that God has the whole plan worked out before us. He's so great like that :)
Ruthie, what's so great about this is that your accepting this season of being tried and tested rather than fighting it. I have so things I think the Lord is testing me on..and I'm fighting it. Not taking the teaching to heart. Pushing it aside. Refusing to grow from it.
Glad you have the "bring it on" attitude. I needed to see that.
Always :) You know my thoughts and beliefs, and where I stand :) I'm glad you're smiling through it all, and I hope everything is okay with the Hart house!
Love this post! We posted a like topic today. The testing is not fun, but strength, character, and hope are developed through it. (Romans 5:3-5) You are doing awesome! Keep it up! Love your posts!
What a great season. Testing can be so hard, but I love your attitude about it, and it is all made complete through the growth of our faith through the struggles! Thank you for sharing this!
Few things.. First thanks for this post. It made me dig out my journal that I have had packed since we got to Memphis and reread a LOT of what we learned in FL. I knew there was a lesson on 'testing' and I had to find it. All my notes say is " Temptation (from satan) vs Test (from God). Don't let tests become a temptation."
Then I found something else I liked better. "God tests our foundation because He forbids us to build on any other foundation. We are all coming from a storm, in the middle of a storm, or a storm is coming."
Matthew 7:24 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is a like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Be blessed my sweet friend.
Love the pictures and I love this. I feel like we've been tested so much in 5.5 years of marriage, whether that's financially, spiritually, spiritual battles, etc. God is so good, though. I think it's
That last line is so powerful. "Challenges are the things that fuel and drastically change our hearts." Thanks for sharing, Ruthie, and encouraging us to embrace the challenges we face!!
oops!!! my computer died!! okay, i'm back... anyways, i was going to say that i think it's so cool that you had that debate/discussion with your friend... God is using you!!! WOW!
You said it all 100%.. You are so welcoming with the challenges God keeps sending your way and you always over come them. That is HUGE!! May God continue to bless you & Jon & your marriage & friendships.
Happy Thursday!!
Totally agree...and have been thinking along the lines lately: if we weren't uncomfortable (being tested, not having things as we would choose, etc.), why would we see our need for God? We'd start worshiping our lives (jobs, spouse, church, whatever) instead.- The imperfection in our lives, I think, makes us long for His perfection!
I feel like this is exactly where I am right now. Amazing how God can put someone in your life at the right time to encourage you. Although we are not in the same state I feel so encouraged by your faith. Thank you Ruthie :)
And I am sure that you both will pass the test with flying colors! Love you!
I have really felt the same way lately. Praying for you two in your time of tests!
Beautiful pictures and beautiful words! I love this post. God does use you Ruthie, I know He's used you in my life at crucial moments and I'm so blessed for it!
I get tested SO often and these are usually the times I grow closer to God, sometimes I think it is His way of pulling me closer to Him since I still have so much to learn and so much development and effort to put into my relationship with Him. That is why bloggers like you have been such an inspiration and help in helping me get there!
I am so glad you wrote this post to share how God is testing you. In the past 4 years of marriage, my husband and I have been though so, so much! From deployments to Iraq, to getting out of the marines, unemployment, moving across country 3 times, quitting a full time job with amazing benefits to follow our hearts, and moving a total of 12 times in 4 years. The list of things we have dealt with can go on and on. What I didn't realize was how God was testing us with each and every situation. I've always believed in God, but through these situations, my faith in him as grown. It is almost hard to believe it has taken me this long to pick up my bible, read his words, and find a church to attend. It does amaze me that we went through everything to get to this place. Now I look back on all these situations and events we went through as testaments from God and I am excited to see what else he has in store for us!
Beautiful post. Well done.
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