You have to take 1 minute to watch this video...
Ernie and his "cousin" Athena are quite the duo. Athena is 5 which is post puppy hood for labs, but she still loves romping with her ornery cousin Ernie. Ernie's head is basically in her mouth the whole time haha
(and yes Dexter is playing in the family is obsessed!)
Not only do they wrestle like mad, but they play tug of war with anything they can find and run up and down the beach (well Ernie tries to keep up to Theenie). Ernie isn't quite as brave as Athena who will jump off the dock and swim pretty deep but he sure looks up to his cousin. I laugh thinking about how this could be our lives in a few years, only with human babies. My sister with her calm, well behaved daughter and me with my toot and a half of a wild child. I can't wait to see Ernie interact with his human baby cousin (due in October). He is a nut around babies and gives them a full Monty carwash with his big 'ol tongue.
Ernie Hart- Party of 1.
How do your pets interact with your babies or babies/kids in general??

I love how Dexter is playing the background!
Puppy wrestling is so cute :)
Aspen loves kids, people, dogs you name it. I am very hesitant to have her around dogs that are extremely larger than her, since she only weighs 7-8lbs she can get hurt very easy when big dogs often do not know or are aware of their size!
As far as people go, she LOVES kids. I think she thinks that small children are her play toys as she can never get enough pets and touches from them!
How cute are Ernie and Athena!
Sharks is really behaved with babies/kids. Mainly because he gets to lick them and the kids don't no better to say no to him. So basically, it's snack time when the kids come around.
I have 2 pups. One could care less about kids (as long as they are not grabbing at her) and the other is ALL about them. We actually got a fake baby doll for our Boxer to teach him to be gentle and not lick the real baby 24/7 when we bring ours home.
Our boxer is a dream. She has taken to the kids like a pro and is so tolerant and patient with them, hoorah!
You know me, I love a good doggy anything! My dog, India, LOVES and let me say it again...LOVES babies!
India doesn't have an affection for other dogs really, but is in love with any human that is relatively close to her size.
Since India has epilepsy and is fairly medicated (sad, I know), seeing her tail actually WAG is a feat in itself...the only thing that gets her going is crawling up to her and saying "Hi" 100 times, or babies :-)
I love to see puppies interact!! I don;t have a puppy but I like to visit my in-laws puppy.
Ernie is seriously so darn cute!!!!
My dogs love baby animals. I have big golden retrievers and when we brought our kitten home, my biggest golden thought that was his baby. My big cat (who is the size of a small dog) is always washing the kitten. We call it Big Monkey Little Monkey!
haha Ernie cracks me up - i swear he and Hux are two peas in a pod! athena is soo funny putting up with him :P cute video girl!
My boxer ignores my daughter for the most part- unless she is eating something.
I love the end where the lab stops playing and Ernie is left panting and jumping around her begging for more :)
Such a cute video! Athena plays a lot like my dog Addison. I love how Ernie keeps up with her (and then some!) even though she's twice/three times his size!
Daawww, Ernie is ridiculous and adorable. Ringo, the shih tzu, looooves people. Any kind of people. He's actually really well behaved with small children though!
And in this corner weighing 12 pounds, is the lightweight champion, Ernesto "the tongue" Hart. Ding ding...
What a sweet little face, and that tooth! Kind of reminds me of my puppy, different breed, but very similar looking.
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