Today is Friday!!!!!!! Woot woot.
The way chunky man rests- who wants a chicken leg??
(wow it's kind of scary to look at what Instagram did to our walls, it's not that bright!)
The fact that I've had Chick Fila the past 2 nights for dinner...I married a good, good man
Nightly walks around our new neighborhood
The fact that after 1 day of watering, our grass has gone from brown straw to a little greenish
Seeing my name in a book, even if is my book about polygamist FLDS escapes
Getting good sleep- I now wake up at 630am but feel so energized and rested. I love how peaceful the world is before 7am
Uncle Buck/Ralph/Heartford/George/Winston/Earl
The fact that people think of me and send me pics of mustaches all the time. I want these candles!
I am really trying to learn to use my camera lately. I just never give myself enough time but I am committed now! Any tips?
Cuddles with this guy. I feel like we are swamped in every area of our lives but it doesn't stop us from squeezing in "us time"
Listening to podcasts of past church services that had made big impacts on our lives. You can never stop learning.
A weekend of game nights, new friends, house projects and hopefully some relaxing :-). What are YOU loving?

I miss Chik-fil-a. I used to work really near one and you better believe I was in there, um, a lot.
I'm currently loving quality time with my nieces and the way they always have hugs, kisses and smiles for me. :)
"Chik-fil-a, I could eat there 7 times a day!" Love that Tim Hawkins song. We sing it all the time in our house. We love Chik fil a. We had it for dinner just once this week tho ;)
I'm loving that pic of Ernie - holy cuteness!
I happen to be a professional photographer. What kind of camera do you have? I can give you all kinds of useful tips. =)
Yummm! Chick-A-Filet! I wouldn't move to AZ unless I knew one existed ;) Praise God there is one!
Have fun with all your house projects! We're in the same boat... it's so fun! xo
Sweet candles!
Ernie is such a cutie!
My dog (boxer) lays like that too! Cracks me up.
I'm loving that it's Friday! I'm loving you! I'm loving that it's the weekend :) And I'm loving that I have a very busy weekend ahead, but all good things!
Imagine if we laid in the floor like that? Be kinda weird huh? Our chocolate lab would lay like that and she would cross her back legs. It was odd. I love the glasses picture. If you stranded on a dessert island at least on if you could make fire with them on a sunny day
those candles are sick! right now im loving that its almost summer! i cant wait!
Love the mustaches! I have a friend who is obsessed with them, and I bought her a pair of square pink earrings with little black mustaches on them. They are adorable!
If you want to learn to use your DSLR and you have a Best Buy nearby, they should offer free manual photography classes on Saturday mornings. Our store in Kennesaw, GA has one class the first Saturday of the month, at about 10AM. I've been to one, since I'm considering purchasing a DSLR at some point (but I can also use some manual modes with my point and shoot). They literally go over every aspect about why this does this, and that does that. I highly recommend it!
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