(I had no idea what to name this post...you'll get it at the bottom)
Hello June :-) nice to see you (but please take away your 100 degree afternoons, k?)
I'd like to welcome 3 new sponsors this month, be sure to check them out friends!
So with it being the 1st, today our first mortgage payment is due (womp womp). It feels like we've gotten almost 2 mortgage free months but that's not the case. You pay for the first month at closing and the rest is paid in arrears. Our mortgage/interest is actually $50 less than what we were paying in rent...but that doesn't include taxes. Let's just say I am going to start going to PTA meetings, visiting the police station, and examining all the roads because our taxes are more than half the amount of our mortgage/interest (we live in an area of Austin with super high taxes). Bleh.
Speaking of our house...the to do list is never ending. Even though we are only living in about 1/4 of our house (we never go upstairs and we don't have my craft room or Jon's office set up downstairs) , there is so much to do. I bought a $5 gallon of reject paint and have been painting the powder room but my plans for productivity go out the window when I get home from work. I swear a million new weeds pop up in the yard daily and I just can't keep our granite clean. Luckily I am doing way less laundry because the new washer/dryer can basically fit a baseball team inside. I really want to paint our guestroom before we have guests later this summer so that is at the top of my list!
This weekend we are celebrating Jon's birthday...almost 2 months late. We shot House Hunters on his birthday so going to dinner was the extent of his birthday celebration. I told him one random day we would celebrate his birthday and he has no idea what we are doing. I've always wanted to tell someone to pack a bag and surprise them :-)
I loved reading this post by Jessi from This Camera Tells my Story (it was a guest post for This Little Mama) about her journey to motherhood. It is so beautiful, I just had to share.
I am next on the waiting list for Bloom at the library. I just recently discovered Kelle Hampton's blog and cannot wait to read her book.
I am going to NYC next weekend and get to hang out with sweet Miss Amanda. I found out yesterday I will be going to Toronto in July...never been to Canada so that should be fun!
Last night I had dinner with some girls from my small group and Jon had an event for work. I went to sleep before he got home and I missed his text saying he was on his way home so I was dead asleep when he walked into our room. Ernie started barking and I guess I was having a nightmare because I started screaming bloody murder. It was so startling and I think I scared Ernie pretty bad :-(
It's this time of year I wish I was a teacher (and had summer off!)
Last night I had dinner with some girls from my small group and Jon had an event for work. I went to sleep before he got home and I missed his text saying he was on his way home so I was dead asleep when he walked into our room. Ernie started barking and I guess I was having a nightmare because I started screaming bloody murder. It was so startling and I think I scared Ernie pretty bad :-(
It's this time of year I wish I was a teacher (and had summer off!)
Thrifting fun
Such great perspective in Deuteronomy
My new business cards (I got them for free and I have no idea what to do with them!)
My 2 favorite baby boys snoozin'

I just got my copy of Bloom at the library after a few months waiting:).
I've had someone do that to me. She actually blindfolded me and made me sit in the floorboard of the car so I had no sense of direction as to where we were going! It was so much fun! I was totally surprised!
Being a homeowner can be so, so frustrating at times... I feel ya girl! You will absolutely LOVE Bloom though, I can promise you that. Once you start reading it, you won't be able to put it down and your powder room really won't get painted ;)
I went through all of the same things when we bought our home here in NJ. Enjoy being a homeowner. We have to move this Summer and just went through the process of finding a rental. I hope I never have to do THAT again!!
I can absolutely relate to that feeling of having so much to do. My husband and I just closed on our first house last week , moved in last weekend, and the list keeps growing and growing.
I know I have so many ideas to try and make the house feel more like us, and it's so hard to decide what to do first.
Btw... saw your chevron wall in another post and I absolutely love it!
You business cards are so awesome! You should just hand them out to random people :)
Thank you for linking to my post! You are too kind.
I hear ya on the home to do list! It's never ending! :)
I wish I had a mortgage to pay instead of rent. Unfortunately, living in the SF Bay Area and saving enough money for a 20% down payment is not something we can do in this lifetime unless we magically win the lottery.
Can't wait to see your episode of House Hunters and SO excited to be sponsoring your blog! :)
I'll have to look into Bloom I've never heard of it but by your post and the comments it must be awesome! That's crazy about those taxes!!! & y'all have already done soo much to your home i wouldn't worry bout the to-do list to much!! :) hope u have a great wknd chica! i'm excited to see what you do for Jon!! wait til u see the dress i bought for our anniv date tonite at flemings... eeep! sexayy!
Oh, I know...taxes are NO FUN, but sure is fab owning your own place, isn't it?? You'll get there...little by little. Really, the to-do list is never ending, so don't ever expect to get to the end of it, just enjoy making progress as you go :-)! Super cute business cards, and have so much fun celebrating this weekend!
Can't wait to watch you on House Hunters! And I'll have to check out that book. :) Have a great weekend!
Pack them bags and give the hubs a very happy birthday!! You get to travel he gets to feel loved.. win-win!!
A taco rack?! What the?! Haha id totally buy one as well!!
You are hilarious! A taco rack? I have never heard of such a thing. I'm going to check out the sponsors.
You are so famous. I may need a business card to prove i know you.
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