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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Ernie has a thing for remotes

Jon posted this one on FB with the caption, "Is that a tv remote in your pelvis or are you just happy to see me?"

& iPhones

We have tons of blankets in the living room and love lounging in there to watch TV and when we can't seem to find the remote, we always look for Ernie. We have 3 remotes (TV, DVR, computer) and none of them give off any heat so I am not sure why he loves situating himself on top of these uncomfortable things. It's funny when one of us can't find our phone so the other calls it and Ernie's booty starts ringing.

So enough about Ernie's weird fetish and onto my weird sleeping habits. My hubby wrote a guest post awhile back and shared some of my weird sleep talking conversations. He keeps an open note in his iPhone so he can write down the awkward things I say...

So not only do I sleep talk, but I sleep walk. It is creepy.

In the past week I have walked 3 times. Luckily I do catch myself when I am up and walking, usually by a noise or just coming out of the dream. Most of the time I jump up out of bed and run out of the room because I am convinced I see a giant bug crawling in bed. Last week I thought I saw rats. Jon said I begged him to go turn on the light and got mad when he was trying to calm me down. All of the sudden I realized it was pitch black and there was no way I could have seen anything. Jon was traveling on business last Wednesday and I slept with the door open. I had a dream I saw someone in the doorway and ran to the back door and came out of it when I opened the door. Luckily I've never ended up outside. There have been multiple times where I've ended up stripping the covers off my bed, bumping my knees on furniture, and in completely different rooms. 

I wish it would stop!

My mom will tell me that I used to ask to go to bed when I was little, I just loved sleeping. And I love getting sleep now. But I am definitely not a hard sleeper. It's not like a tiny noise will wake me up but vivid dreams always have me tossing and turning. And I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night too. I don't think I've ever slept a whole night without waking up for some reason or another. It is annoying! I have so many creepy/funny sleep talking and walking stories from childhood sleepovers to my roommate in the dorms freshman year of college. Luckily my hubby isn't too phased :-)

According to the internet, sleepwalking is caused by fatigue, lack of sleep and anxiety. I will tell you know that I get enough sleep and I don't have fatigue or anxiety. I did more research and other causes are alcohol (I don't really drink, maybe 1 drink a month), mental disorder (um no), or seizures (never had one). It happens during deep, non REM sleep and sometimes hard to come out of. And it is dangerous!!

So does anyone have advice? I would love to have a night where I am not freaking out about bugs in my bed or strangers in my house. And I scare poor little Ernie! 

Random post yes, but I am in need of help! :-)


Leah said...

Are you sure Ernie doesn't have our DVD remote?! Like seriously, we haven't seen it since New Years Day when you guys were over watching movies hahah.

Amira said...

Okay, seriously. I died over these pictures of Ernie! It's not like you just have one picture of him laying on a remote, you have LOTS of pictures of him! I wonder what it is about them!

And, "Oh my gosh, is this a fairytale?" I snorted at my desk that is so hilarious! I'm so sorry your sleep keeps getting disrupted though. Have you thought about seeing a doctor? Although, they'd probably just try and put you on sleep meds.

jes @ twosmuppies said...

my sharkie has a thing with computers and books. he likes to nudge himself right up against them. i'm thinking the computer because it's warm and then the book? maybe the page flipping feels like me scratching him? who knows. great pics of ernie though!!! LOVE them.
xx jes

KRISTIN said...

Ruthie Sleep Quotes are my FAVORITE!!!! Also, Bailey does the same thing...whenever we can't find the remote the first place we look is under the dog.

Lia Joy said...

Omg. That's so funny that Ernie sleeps on the remotes! And I talk in my sleep too. As far as I know, I've never sleep walked, but I definitely talk, yell, scream, etc. in my sleep. I think I've given my husband multiple minor heart attacks from me sitting up and just screaming. :)

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Oh gosh, Ernie. I have to meet this little guy.

And I don't know what to tell you about the sleep stuff, Ruthie!! That is SO weird and kind of hilarious, but I can see how it would get seriously old to have such disruptive sleep patterns! I'm sure there are sleep therapists or something... you might look into that!

Have a great day beautiful. :)

Allison said...

Ernie reminds me so much of our Bostons. They are so funny and quirky. Love it.

Alana said...

Oh my gosh, I laughed out loud at the second remote picture. Jon's caption is just amazing. hahaha

Have you talked to a doctor about your sleepwalking? There might be some medicine that will help you stay asleep?

Anonymous said...

Love that pup! So cute!
New follower here :) Love your blog!
Would love for you to come over to my little bloggy home if you'd like :)


Unknown said...

Ernie is such a crackup! Love that little monster :) I totally do the creepy talking in my sleep thing, but I don't sleepwalk. My best friend from home does and she's done some scary stuff!

Michelle (michabella) said...

I don't have any advice! One of my gf's sleep talks constantly, it's so funny hearing the stories...but in your case, kinda scary!! You should do a sleep study.

And Ernie... is hilarious!

Mel said...

Hi Ruthie! I sleep walk a lot too. It's a little freaky to think of all the things that I do while in my sleep (showering, getting ready for work, trying on clothes, etc).

I have found that the one thing that really helps me is a bit of self-talking before I go to sleep. Kind of like "do not get out of this bed, you are fine to stay in your bed all night, etc"...gets me in the right frame of mind maybe??!
Anyway, the stories are enjoyable for my husband to tell because I am cray while walking in my sleep!

Krista said...

First off I think I am falling in love with your dog...ha! I just love all the pics you post of him, I may have to consider that breed for my next doggie :)

Now that the weird confession is out of the way...I feel so bad for you! How scary that must be to sleep walk! I haven't experienced that but I sure hope someone else is able to give you some good advice.

My only story is that one time when I was pregnant I SWORE there was a snake in our bedroom that slithered into our closet. I woke my Hubsy up going on and on about this snake. Well, he told me there was no way that kind of snake was in our room cause the ones that looked like that don't live in our area. Since he was up, he went to the bathroom and came back to me all huge and pregnant down on all fours looking for this snake under our bed....I just could not get over that it was a dream!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so cute i'm so happy I found it! I wish i had advice for you on the sleep walking but I don't :( The sleep talking is hilarious though, i've done that before too! i'm definitely following you from now on!

P.S. I've got a giveaway going on over at my blog!

Amanda said...

Yikes about the sleep walking, although the sleep talking is pretty funny. My sister tried to hit me once when she was sleep walking with an alarm clock. I know that you're not supposed to wake the person up when they're sleep walking. You sure you don't have any added stress/anxiety right now because of the move and the house?

Amanda said...

haha this post had me cracking UP! I remember when we all went out to dinner we were talking abotu the crazy things we do while we sleep. Hux sleeps on top of remotes sometimes idk what it is! I have been told I laugh in my sleep a lot and Scott thinks its super creepy lol! I hope you are able to find something to help you sleep better! I usually don't sleep as well as normal when Scott's outta town...

Christa Cox said...

OMG i want your dog!

michaela @ m.jane said...

it's me, your sleep talking/sleep walking friend. um yes...we need help. chad says i sleep talk pretty much every night, but i have found that the sleep walking is more frequent when i'm extremely tired. i tried to get him to write down what i say each night, but he's too lazy i guess and he says it's too weird. haha

our poor husbands. chad thinks i need an exorcism! :-)

RadiantKristen said...

Haha, my boyfriend keeps a log on his phone of the things I say in my sleep as well. He then reads it to me once he thinks he has "enough" strange stuff to repeat to me. I sleep walk whenever something really traumatizing happens, and I can totally relate. I wish I had an answer for you!

Ketrin Jones said...

Night terrors run in my family. My grand mother on my dad side has had them & my sister & I both have them. My sisters have gotten better. She finally went to a therapist. She used to wake up seeing people, snakes & anything else you can possible imagine.

I tend to just snap out of it pretty quick, I can think during the time "ketrin.. scorpions aren't green" and get myself to go back to sleep. I do talk a lot in my sleep.. as does Tiel. It makes for a sleepless night more often than not :(

Poor mimz probably is really confused by our sleeping habits. Oh & she loves laying on iphones. I don't get it!!

Rachel said...

I've slept walked in the past, and I talk in my sleep all the time...but I am a very sound sleeper. You're in my prayers that it doesn't go any further! And I must say that Ernie cracks me up! He is too hilarious!!

Nicole said...

Your dog and those remotes are soo cute! Maybe he likes the feel of the buttons? Or maybe he can hear a little humming noise that we can't?

The Arizona Russums said...

hahaha! you and ernie are both hilarious!

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

Haha! I just about peed my pants reading this!!!

Anynomous said...

Thank you for this post. Occasionally, you’ve heard of people walking in their sleep, but rarely have you heard of animals displaying such behavior. A funny thing has been happening to Frisky, Julie’s pet Labrador. More frequently these days as the dog snoozes in its favorite corner, he starts twitching, and moving his legs rapidly in a manner as if running. See more

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