3 years ago today I met my hubby. You heard that right, we didn't start dating 3 years ago. We met. (and have now been happily married for almost 16 months)
It was a Friday and I had started interning at his company that previous Monday. He said I had walked by his office few times (unbeknownst to me) and knew he wanted to meet me. He came into my office towards the end of the day and asked a silly question about printing powerpoints. Here I am, over-achieving, honor student, pulled up powerpoint and tried to help solve his problem. I look back and think about how dumb it must have looked haha.
And the rest is history.
Jon and I became fast friends. We found ourselves opening up to each other in ways neither of us had ever done before. His childhood, relationship problems, our inner most fears and desires...I kept thinking "wow I am telling him things no one knows about me and he could be a total nut job."
YOLO= You Only Live Once
I was dating someone else when I first met Jon. Gasp. Remember I said when I met Jon. Our friendship was blossoming and I just needed to know. What I loved about Jon was his love for the Lord and little did we know, we each started praying for clarity about our friendship. I saw something in him. Something I never had in a friend or boyfriend. I can't put my finger on what it was but in all honesty, I thought about Jon being my husband after knowing him for a week. I feel so lucky that the Lord answered my prayers. He led me to Jon.
Do you ever start thinking about your past and a decision you made and think 'wow I am so glad I followed my heart?' or 'what if I hadn't?'. I get a frog in my throat thinking about if I hadn't taken a leap of faith and trusted the Lord's signs, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Jon and I are huge believers in things happening for a reason and that's because our marriage is based on our trust and devotion to the Lord's plan. It's funny because I really try to preach following your heart and asking for guidance to friends and family and when I first heard the song YOLO, I thought it was brilliant. Okay minus all the N words, curse words and the demeaning of women, you are left with the chorus- You Only Live Once.
My life is so much greater and more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined it could be. Jon is more than I ever though I deserved in a husband. And my marriage is something I treasure and thank the Lord for everyday.
I love this picture of us. I feel like it symbolizes our relationship from day 1. Walking into a new life together. With grace shining down on us.

I love this post so much and it is such a beautiful relationship you and your husband have. When my husband and I were dating we ended up breaking up when I went away to college, but God brought us back together and I can relate to following your heart. God always has the best intentions for us, and his grace is overflowing!
Beautifully written, girl.. this post is so sweet! I am just so happy for you and Jon that y'all have found each other & have such a strong foundation with the Lord. I am praying hard lately for guidance with my own relationship & where I truly want it to take us... I know that God already knows our destiny and I need to just give it to Him. Happy Tuesday love! xoxo
Aw such a neat story and love the pic!!
A beautifully written post. I love that you followed what you believed to be good and true, and look where it has led.
When I began dating my now-husband, there were many people who didn't understand it because he was 8 years older than I. Including my parents. It makes me weak in the knees to think that I truly considered breaking up with him because others could not see what we had together. I'm so glad that I followed what I believed in, and we are now getting ready to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary this year :)
Such a sweet post! I'm a new follower and love reading your blog each day. I recently moved away from Austin, and I feel like I can live there through you..silly, I know! Happy blogging!
I am so glad you met him and he'a lucky to have you as well. I mean we get to look at his calves and paint chevron walls and dress up in wigs and make funny dance faces. Your kids are gonna be superstars
Love that you shared this post. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to "know" your marriage is truly blessed by the Lord. Oh the confirmation I got on my wedding day, it was spectacular :)
What a wonderful picture of you two at the bottom, love it! Hope your time in Vegas isn't all work ;) Have fun Ruthie!
Beautifully written, Ruthie! I love it! :) I'm glad you shared this with us. It's true, that we only live once and sometimes we need to feel pain (or inflict it) to bring an unimaginable joy!
What a sweat post Ruthie! Great story about how you met. Funny, both RJ and I were dating someone when we first met. Blog twin strikes again. Haha
awww love your story!
So precious, Ruthie! Thank you for sharing. My story with my now fiancé is similar. I had been dating someone else for 4 YEARS! And I broke things off with him to be with Steven. I know that I was acting in obedience to God in that moment and I have reaped the blessings ever since!
You have a truly beautiful love story :)
Such a sweet story. Love this picture, too!
I love this! Happy Meeting Day!! :)
Such a sweet story. So happy God led you to Jon, and vice versa. I was in a relationship (with a childhood sweetheart that I SWORE I was gonna marry) when I met Joshua! So funny how God works things out. I knew the moment I met him I would marry him, and you're so right, God's ways are always best! xo
I got a frog just reading that, Ruthie! So sweet. I feel the same thing about Scott. When we first met (2008), I was looking for the financial aid office. He was working at the Veteran's assistance window at my college and I was lost. He didn't know where to send me...but I had a bag of chips and he reached in and took a chip and just STARED at me! Scott and I didn't see each other again for about 4 years...but his picture was permananetly fixed in my dreams when I would dream of my future husband. He was it...I was so frustrated dating other people because they weren't "it". He was. I wasn't prepared enough to be with him then, and God knew it. He brought us back together 4 years later at a COMPLETELY random coffee shop (my cover photo on facebook) where I was able to steal a chip off his lunch plate. It was like God was guiding us together. From then, it's been a wonderful journey. I love a good love story!
This is really sweet, Ruthie. I'm so happy for you! I hope to meet someone I can share a love like that with someday!
OMGOSH! My husband and I met in May 9, 2009 (three years ago) and he asked me to be his girlfriend today, the 22nd, 3 years ago and we've been happily married 14 months! I was dating someone too when I first met my husband but you feel God tell you something and you just know. I knew Darryl was my husband within a week of knowing him. We said I love you in 9 days! Ahhhh God is so amazing! God Bless you guys!
I love your story! And your faith. :) xoxoxo
This is so much like Dave and I's story! We found out later that a week or two before we met we both had a serious talk with God that we were ready for "that person" in our lives...and then we met. It's amazing how He works! And I think the same thing, I'm SO glad that I didn't hesitate when Dave asked me to marry him after only 4 months! I guess if you know, you know :)
Hope you're enjoying Vegas!
I love so much that you two met over power point! It seriously makes me so happy! :) I was also dating someone else when Jason and I finally (after 22 years) started to be more than friends. It's definitely crazy to think about the "what-if's"
I lvoe this post!!! So sweet! :)
just came across your blog and i'm so glad i did! you have such a beautiful marriage and God is shining through it. so nice to 'meet' you :)
Love Love Love
This kind of love is the best kind, it's the kind where God looks down and smiles :)
I left a good job and moved back to where I had gone to college (despite the "are you crazy??" comments I received from everyone. In my heart something didn't feel right and I knew there were things missing. In the middle of all that chaos I met my hubby 3 months later. Like you I had never met anyone like him before and we knew in a couple of months that we wanted to get married. We'll celebrate 8 years this September :)
awww i love you and i love jon and i love your love story!!! ok, psycho much. but seriously, you two are perfect for each other and like you said, it's YOUR forever you're messing with!!! :) glad you found happiness...
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