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Friday, February 3, 2012


Last night we watched the movie, 50/50. We have been wanting to see the movie ever since seeing previews but I am not really a movie theater person. I like watching movies in the comfort of my own home so I don't mind waiting until they come out on Netflix.

Have you guys seen it?

I spent the last hour of the movie with a frog in my throat and ending up sobbing for a good 30 minutes. I don't know what came over me but this movie really got to me. Adam was only 27 and got diagnosed with this rare form of cancer. His symptoms were back pain and night sweats. And it got me thinking...I am not 27. This could happen to me. It could happen to anyone. Now I don't plan on living in fear and worry the rest of my life but this movie reminded me how precious each day of our lives is. 

I remember having a hard time dealing with sickness and death after the loss of a Younglife leader to breast cancer, right after she gave birth to her first baby. I kept asking God, "why?! why does such an amazing, Christian woman have to go through all this pain and lose her battle while there are such terrible people living in this world?" And that's when I came to realize that God has a plan for each of us. He has a duty in mind that we will each fulfill. And when we complete those tasks, our time on earth is over. Time to go home to the Lord. I was talking about this same thing with a friend this week and talking about how as humans, we are selfish when it comes to death. We would rather our friends and family members be here on this earth suffering (whether it be from physical pain and illness or emotional, mental and spiritual pain) than be taken away from us. But what comes after this short time we have on earth is so much greater than any of us could ever imagine. A paradise without pain, without suffering and without sadness. 

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:1-3



Kerrie Williams said...

I used to worry about death so much - especially about my husband dieing. I didn't know what I would do without him. I realized that I was viewing it wrong. The Bible says "to live is Christ and to die is GAIN" and I didn't see it as gain. I was selfish! Thankfully, after prayer and a lot of time in scripture, God changed my heart on it. Thanks for the reminder :)

GingerPeachT said...

So should we see the movie? Lol
I'm not afraid of dying, but I think if someone close to me died suddenly then I would have the hardest time. But you are right, we need to cherish each moment! Tim and I say I love you every time we say goodbye.
Now, I'm all for the rapture coming anytime now to take us all home :-)

Erinn said...

This was one of my favorite movies I saw all year. When he is about to go into surgery and says "mom" when he is getting rolled away from pre-op is when I started bawling my eyes out in the theater. What I think is even more incredible about the movie is the fact that it is a true story about the writer of the movie and seth rogan's character is based on seth rogan himself. He encouraged the writer to create the screen play and basically got to play himself! To me, it is just a really honest, touching movie. I can't wait to see it again.

Michelle said...

I want to see this movie, but my dad passed away from cancer a couple of years ago, and I feel like I'd just be a big sob fest.

Leah said...

We watched this last week and I was a mess too. But what I also loved about this movie was the close bond the two guys had. Really sweet.

Amanda said...

I think I am going to rent this movie this weekend! Beautiful and moving post today, Ruthie! I'll probably cry the entire movie too, but then again I'm a big cryer as it is.

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i really want to see this. and i'm with you, i like watching movies in the comfort of my own home too.

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

beautiful post. i've been through a lot of death in my life. it's shaped and molded me as a person. life is fragile! let's not let a day go by without kissing our husbands and telling our family and friends that we love them! let's live richly, deeply. i love your heart, ruthie! i have got to see this movie now :)

Shannon Marie said...

I am yet to see this movie. My boyfriend had AML leukemia when he was 10 and has been affected by it ever since. Sometimes I like to watch "cancer movies" so I can feel like I understand what he went through.. I'm not sure he ever wants me to fully understand though. I may have to see this!

KRISTIN said...

I really want to see this movie! It came out right when one of my best friends was diagnosed with there was just no way I could watch. Maybe I'm ready now!

Lauren Talon said...

Great post! I saw this movie about 2 weeks ago and loved it. It is sad though :( It makes you think for sure. Have a great Friday!

Unknown said...

We watched this movie last week and it broke my heart, especially when he went into surgery it really got to me, and the breakdown when he reached out the to sweet therapist girl. If the end would have been different I would have really been a mess!! I did love the bond between both Gordon and Seth in the movie.

Connie Leon said...

I just saw this movie this week! The day after I swore I had Cancer..but I think the movie gave me new light and new hope. Normalizing it and reminding us that yes horrible disease can attack our bodies..but as you said, if it's our time to go home and be with God then it's our time if not we can beat it and live normal happy lives once more. I LOVED that he ended up with his therapist! Ha. I also loved how those people close to him, knew what kind of family or friend they were to him but LOVED HIM SO MUCH! Very good movie!!!! Great Post!!! :D

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

I haven't seen the movie yet but already know it will make me cry. My dad got cancer and passed away from it when he was barely in his forties. It makes me hold everyone I love and care for a little closer and appreciate how lucky we all are to be here <3

This is the first post i've read from ya (just found your blog today!) but I already love ya =) have a great weekend girly!

Wendy said...

I've never heard of this movie ~ I'll have to check it out! I totally know about living each day as if it were your last. My Grandma was killed by a drunk driver while crossing the street when she was 65 ~ right after having dinner with my Grandpa. A cousin (in law) of mine was a teacher and was biking to work (as she did EVERY day) on the last day of school before summer break. A man who had an "medical emergency" lost control of his car and hit and killed her instantly. We truly NEVER know the day or the hour. We must live as if there is no tomorrow and trust in Gods timing.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I have a hard time with death... and not just death that comes from sickness but death in general.

In August 2010 I lost a friend of mine. He was only 22 and was driving his motorcycle when an oncoming car veered into his lane and his him head on. Despite the fact that my friend did everything right he died. 22 years old. After his death I was really angry. He was one of the very best people I'd ever met - always happy and smiling an goofy, always with a good word to say about anyone, someone that loved everyone. He had SO MUCH LIFE to live and yet at 22 his life was cut short.

But I know he wouldn't want me to be angry. He'd want me to learn a lesson, that life can be cut at any time and we have to live each and every day to the fullest, tell the people we love that we love them, make sure we stop putting off till tomorrow what can be done today.

Death isn't easy, especially when it happens to someone young. But it can teach the rest of us to embrace the lives we have.

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

This post is so meaningful since my step dad just passed away from cancer. But I do want to see this movie. Have a fantastic weekend Ruthie. Love ya and hugs!

Kristin said...

I dont do well with movies about cancer :(

Kristy said...

LOVE your heart, sweet friend!!!

C Mae said...

I ask my self all the time why God would take away a mommy to 2 children One 13 the other 9 (My mom) She was perfect...Her and my dad were HS sweethearts married 19 years and she got sick and died within 2 years. Cancer changed my life FOREVER.

Amber said...

I LOVED this movie. We watched it a couple of weeks ago, and I was the same way. My grandma has had to go through treatment for Breast Cancer twice, and I have sat through the treatments with her... in one of those same rooms that the three men sat in. It was so familiar it gave me chills....

grace martin said...

I was never afraid of dying until I had kids. But I took a deep breath and realized our kids would be BOMBARDED with family and friends wanting to take their cute butts in =)

Just started following your blog!

Unknown said...

I LOVED that movie. It made cry and smile and laugh for all the right reasons.

Saying hi from the wiegand link up

bright girl said...

How crazy! I watched 50/50 Friday might too! I love Netflix especially the not paying $15 to watch one movie. I've been getting caught up on the last few years of releases thanks to this great service. It was a god movie, and already knowing he'd make it before watching was reassuring. :) Have a bright day!

Meg said...

I can't wait to watch this movie. It just came on our cable on demand so I am so excited. I am a cancer nurse so clearly this is stuff I see everyday, stuff that can make me paranoid everyday but I try not to let it. (Easier said then done.)

Cutis Medical said...

Good movie. Live Life fully should be our motto
Skin Laxity

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