Who wants to join with me??
Just kidding. I was searching for funny anti-cussing pictures and came across The No Cussing Club website. Dang. There are videos, testimonials, cussing jar printouts and more. These people are serious! The basis of the website is...
Your words become your thoughts.
Your thoughts become your behavior.
Your behavior becomes your character.
Your character becomes your destiny.
Your thoughts become your behavior.
Your behavior becomes your character.
Your character becomes your destiny.
So why am I posting about this today?
I am writing about it because I gave up cussing for Lent. Allison explained Lent with the perfect words, "Lent is a time when Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection."
It was one night at small group we were talking about ways we can be more Christ like and I realized I wasn't speaking like the Lord would want me to. Okay don't get me wrong, I am not a sailor or anything but I didn't shy away from curse words. I will have to say it is hard working in an office with all males because cussing is just the norm, but I don't want to blame it on that. I have been working so hard the past couple of months to spend as much time as I can with God, treat those around me like Jesus would have, and spread The Word on my blog and in my everyday life. And cussing is not something that shines a good light on my faith.
Now I didn't write about it at the beginning of Lent because I didn't want to slip up and feel down about it because there were times I let a word or two slip but I wanted to share with you now. I encouraged my husband to do the same and prayed that we could speak words of kindness over the 40 days observing Lent (btw we aren't Catholic but I always try to add something or give up something during Lent). Now that we are a week post Easter, I have been doing lots of reflecting on cussing and how I am going to try to eliminate it from my life. Yes it will be hard and already has been. Yesterday at work I said "talk sh*t" and immediately thought whoaaa. First of all 'talking sh*t' isn't exactly the best past time and the fact that I called it sh*t. I was laughing a little haha.
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good
for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those
who hear. " Ephesians 4:29
So I ask you today for encouragement. I am sure there will be days where I talk about the hell it's been doing XYZ or that something was bad-ass but I am going to try my hardest not to! The Lord created us in His image and I want nothing more than to live up to that image. And when I think about bringing children into this world, I want my words and actions to be a positive role model for them.
So what did you give up for Lent? Are you one of those people who gives us coffee, sweets, sodas and carbs all at once? Or maybe you added weekly date nights to your life?
Last year I read the Gospels and you can read about that here.
I used to work with a lady who was a former nun. One day she heard me say something profane and she said something that has stuck with me forever and changed how I spoke with conviction: she said, "Sarah, your mouth is too beautiful and you are too beautiful to have such filth come from your mouth. It is not attractive." I have always remembered that and very quickly changed what came out of my mouth. We are to be examples of Jesus...and I'm sure only beauty came from His lips. That is reason enough. And really, it is easy to stop once you do it for awhile. You then start to see how ugly it really is when you hear others use profanity.
I really like Sarah's comment. I think that it's funny that you gave up cussing because I have been making a conscious effort not to swear as much, simply because it's not ladylike. I'm proud that you were able top succeed, and I wish you best of luck in continuing with this habit!
I'm definitely up for joining the club. I rarely cuss, but I also don't speak kindly all the time. Sometimes gossip jumps from my mouth and I can be catty. My husband and I keep each other in check by pinching each other when we say a curse word (not too hard though!)- but we should also be mindful of the negative words we use.
We are seriously on the same wavelength! Sometimes I get into the "office routine" of swearing, too. In fact, just this morning one slipped out..."You've got to be sh*&&*&g me". While it might sound cool or funny to say, I also realize I want my children to be raised in a swear-free home. Scott is big on not using foul language and always looks at me entirely confused when I do use it...granted he slips up too :-)
We both try to not do it, so thanks for the daily reminder to keep working at it!
Ruthie, great post. I work in an office with all men too and it does become habit. You hear it so much that you become hardened to it. I never flinch anymore when I hear a curse word because it's basically become part of my everyday. But it's not honoring to God and it's not the kind of language I would want my children to use.
Thanks for this.
I tend to have a slight potty mouth at times. Mostly when I really angry, but it truly is a disgusting habit. I'm joining my own imaginary no cussing club. If I can withhold for 8 hours a day while at work, then I could do it all the time, right?!
I think it's quite admirable of you to improve how you talk. I don't cuss much but find it more likely at work (lotta guys too) but you are right, definitely not needed and not very Christ-like. I love the mantra of the No Cussing Club, I'm sure there is truth in that.
We are Catholic and I used to give up sweets but the past few years have been trying to add something (like daily prayer or Bible reading) instead of giving something up.
Good luck!
Good job, Ruthie! Praying for you! This is ironic because Josh and I were just talking about this issue a few days ago.... trying to tame our tongues :)
You are so right about this. I love that you were so honest about it, and I totally agree. As believers, what we say could really damage our testimony. This has been on my heart a lot lately, and I'm definitely going to work on it!
I'm Baptist, therefore I've never given anything up for Lent. But I do like the idea of participating. Maybe I will next year. But I feel the same way. I pray everyday that people can see Christ through me, but sometimes I let a bad word or two slip. It's something that I've been more self conscious of lately and something that I am really trying to eliminate from my life completely. Good luck! I'll be praying for you :)
Good for you girl! It's great to challenge ourselves. I gave up 'everything but water' for Lent. No soda, wine, etc... only water. I truly felt healthier not relying on caffeine to 'get me going' or wine to 'relax after a hard day'
That is so great Ruthie! There is only one word me and my husband say, bad ass. Lately I have been feeling like maybe we shouldn't. This post is very encouraging :)
eeek, my worst habit by FAR. You never really notice how ugly it sounds until you hear someone else talking the way you do....thanks for this!
that's awesome! it's so cool you're aware enough of the holy spirit's conviction of you to make a change like this for christ.
I support you 100 percent. Me not so much. It's in my culture. I just sometimes gotta let it rip.
I love this post! In December I decided to give up cussing also- it's not easy at all. My Pastor said that even things like omg are saying the Lord's name in vein. That's been the hardest not to do b/c it's such an easy expression (especially on text and twitter) But I don't think Jesus would have walked around saying it so why should I! I gave up Facebook for Lent! I just adore your blog and all that you write!
This is great Ruthie.....In Matthew 15:18 Jesus says.. "But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person." It's not just the bad words we have to watch... its the state of our hearts. Jesus doesnt want our behavior, he wants our heart.
Somehow I can't imagine sweet Ruthie cussin' up a storm. ;) I let them fly pretty often too. Thanks for the inspiration!
this is really nice!=)
parenting articles
I gave up Facebook! It was tough: there is so much peer pressure. But it helped me get some perspective on things, and I am glad I took the break! I think it is so true that we become what we say. Words are powerful!
Ugh! I've been really convicted about this lately, too. I'm in! xoxo
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