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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shake it


Would any of your boyfriends/husbands/brothers do this? Jon would be mortified!

I had a great first class this week and was wishing this was my full time job haha. If only! I did want to share with you guys (mostly my Austin readers) my new Zumba schedule! I will be teaching Mondays and Thursdays from 5:30-6:30p at All That Cheer in Round Rock, TX. $5 a class! Classes start Monday April 30th and I would love to see you!

For my non Austin readers, do you Zumba?!
What are your favorite rhythms to do?
Any favorite songs that your instructors use?


Jocelyn said...

I kind of hate it when the instructor has us shake certain areas (haha)! If I'm going to shake something, I feel like I should be in a club, and someone's buying me drinks!

Lindsay said...

Hahahahahahaha that video, omg!

Christina L. said...

Wish I could take your class! I do Zumba in Houston. My two favorite songs in class are Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO and Chunky from the Madagascar soundtrack. Houston was voted the fattest city in America recently, so a bunch of instructors decided to embrace it, made it their goal to get that title removed, and came up with a dance for the second song.

Heather said...

That video is AWESOME! I love Zumba! I can't wait to start back up in a couple weeks.

Unknown said...

Hahaha Dave would probably do that...just not in the sports bra lmao. That guy is too much! What is the price like to just come to a class or two? I don't know what our travel schedule is going to be like this summer.

Claire Beeks said...

Love it! My favorite rhythm is probably salsa or reggation. What about you??

I love el amo (the song where they say el amo el amo el amo el amoooooo) lol.

Jessica said...

OMG that video reminds me of this zumba instructor I had.. I used to zumba but I just got bored with it so I stopped going.

Super excited though for you to be teaching zumba!!


Nina Tank said...

Ruthie!! I wanted to go to your class SOOOO bad. Travis had a shoot that could not be rescheduled (even though he tried) but since I live in Round Rock, I might just have to try out your class I have always wanted to do zumba...and have a instructor that I know and feel comfortable with!!!

Sami said...

I love Zumba! It is my favorite! I personally prefer current upbeat songs rather than the Latin ones but I know that's not the norm!

Wendy said...

Ha ~ Great video! I've never tried Zumba ~ I really should it looks so fun. My problem is the Health Club I belong to only has Zumba classes at night and I like to go in the am. Our nights get too filled with kid activities. :( I'm sure you are a fabulous instructor!!!!

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

I'm so proud of you! I bet you are an amazing instructor!! So fun!!!

Anonymous said...
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Nicole @ the style hatch said...

I have never tried Zumba, honestly I wasn't really sure what in involved. Is it all dance like that? My husband would never even think about doing that! Such a funny video!

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

That video is 100 percent hysterical. I know three friends that do zumba right now I could send it too. And I would pay Jon money if he did it.. just sayin..

RadiantKristen said...

That video absolutely made me smile! I just have Zumba for Wii, but it's totally addicting!

Clancy said...

so... I made your cauliflower fries tonight for my parents... SO good!! Thanks for posting that recipe :)

also.. if I was in the Austin area, I would love to come to your classes. too bad I'm in MD!!

Mrs Independent said...

HAH! The man in the video has some MOVES! And yes, the Huz would probably do that if I needed a laugh ;)

Carolyn said...

I so wish I could go to your class! :)

Anonymous said...

I have never commented before, but had to on this post! I LOVE Zumba! My favorite dances are to some songs by Pitbull, The Wobble, and some I have no clue what the song is! If I were closer, I would definitely go to your class!

Petro said...

Just wanted to congratulate you on your Versatile Blogger Award :)

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