....compared to Calvary
This picture is the earliest memory I have of Jesus. I don't remember much of my childhood but I do remember this painting hanging in our church fellowship hall in Crystal Lake, IL when I was young (probably 3-4).
Jesus died for you and for me. To set us free from a life of sin and to invite us into His holy paradise. The son of God, He is the sacrificial lamb whose blood was shed for the greater good of the world. Tonight we are going to a Good Friday Experience at our church and I pray that the Lord opens up my mind, my heart, my eyes and ears so I can full immerse myself in the meaning and seriousness of today. I pray that you all can reflect as well. It's hard to fathom a man being crucified for me. It seems unbelievable. But so real.
"When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over
Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe
and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!” Matthew 27:54
(Gateway Church, Austin, TX)
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter...and truly remember the reason for the holiday. It's more than colored eggs and cute bunny cupcakes from Pinterest (but hey those are fun too!). God Bless friends.
So perfect Ruthie. This is the day to remember. Have a great Easter! How blessed you are this weekend.
Thank you for sharing this Ruthie. How true, thanks for the reminder.
The sadness and desperation of Good Friday makes the JOY of Easter Sunday that much better!
love this Ruthie! Thanks for posting. I am kicking myself for posting a how to curl your hair post on Good Friday.. bad Christian! Today is my favorite day of the "Christian" year & by far the most important with Sunday!
Amen, I am so happy to know I serve a risen savior. Hope ya'll have a wonderful Easter weekend!
i love what Pinky said it expresses exactly what today is and all that he had to endure is unimaginable at times that he had to suffer that me for someone who totally doesnt deserve it. Praise him for all he went through on Good Friday only to overcome death on Sunday! Happy early Easter Ruthie
Thank you so much for sharing this. I love this whole season!
Love this post! I'm new here, and I just adore your blog! I'm off to stalk the rest of your site... Have a wonderful weekend, sugar! xo
That is the same picture I grew up with in my Sunday school classroom as well. Thanks for reminding us all the true reason for the season.
beautiful post, friend. I wish you a happy and blessed Easter. He is Risen!
What a beautiful reminder :) Thank you for sharing it and have a happy Easter weekend!
Be blessed, sweetie!
I really like that last saying. Hope you had a good Good Friday. I also hope moving is going smoothly for ya :)
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